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I am using an AirCurve 10 ASV with a ResMed P10 Nasal Pillow Mask.
I've constantly struggled with a leaky mask. I prefer to sleep on my side or my chest. I wake up many times throughout the night fiddling around with the mask because it will have a loud hissing noise that wakes me.
I am attaching two nights in a row. Last night, 9/8 and the night before, 9/7.
9/7 night I sleep very well. I had plenty of energy the next day.
9/8 night it was difficult to fall asleep and even more difficult to stay asleep. I took the mask off in the middle of the night and today I am tired.
I am such a newbie with this stuff so I'm wondering if there is any insight in what you see?
Any tricks to the P10 Nasal Pillow mask to reduce leakage or maybe recommend another mask?
You are not actually leaking very much, but maybe on your side or stomach the air from the vents on your mask is blowing on your pillow, and that noise wakes you up. Try positioning your head or pillow slightly differently. Try different head and pillow positions when you get in bed tonight, and listen carefully for sounds. That's all I can think of to try.
I notice that your flow limits are quite high. I don't know how to fix that on an ASV. I suggest you make another thread asking for help with that issue.
Following up on this again for additional comments. I'm still experiencing what I would consider leaking mask with the Resmed P10. It may not be a huge leak but it is enough that it wakes me up and then I am constantly moving around and fidging with it. I can move the mask slightly (it is almost always the right nostril pillow) and it will resolve it and then I fall back asleep only to wake up not much there after with it hissing at me again. I have another P10 and tried last night and same experience.
I feel as though the pressure is too high or something. Every once in a while I'll wake up in the middle of the night extremely tense as if I've been clenching my muscles all night long.