I have been following the forum for a couple weeks but this is my first post.
I have a bit of background to help, I was diagnosed with low testosterone last year starting TRT but still having poor sleep and energy. I finally paid for a home sleep study this April and received a score of over 40, I will try and add a summary to my post.
I am 37 and BMI is around 33, so thats an area I am continuing to work on, since starting treatment I have been tweaking pressures and reducing events and AHI but still feeling quite tired and my eyes also do not feel that rested?
I have bought my own equipment privately just over 2 weeks ago, so have no NHS or clinical support, only equipment support.
I am attaching my best night so far, the 2 most recent and hopefully it lets me add a zoom in on one too.
Id appreciate any support/suggestions.