I see a couple of problems.
1. Very high flow limitations.
2. You are bumping up against your maximum pressure (it could probably be raised higher to help).
3. Some of your events cluster (positional apnea). Using a flatter pillow, possibly changing postion from back to side sleeping, or last resort getting a soft cervical collar. Just measure the distance from your chin to your chest in inches and fractions of an inch to get the correct size.
4. You have too many leaks at times (not too terribly bad though).
5. You have EPR set at 2 full time.
So where to start? You can try the 3 things on positional apnea 1st - pillow, sleeping position, and/or soft cervical collar. When your chin tucks to your chest, it can partially obstruct, or even totally obstruct your airway. Not good.
You can increase your max pressure from 14 to 15 or more if the above things don't immediately help. You can go slow by 0.2 increases if you want to also.
You can try increasing EPR to 3 full time to see if that lowers your flow limitations also.
Here are a few tips also to help combat mask leaks.
Mask Primer