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[CPAP] New CPAP user and not enjoying it
New CPAP user and not enjoying it
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, and now have a cpap machine. Used it for the first time last night and I am wandering, how long to get used to having to wear it. I slept terribly last night and I am more tired this morning then I have been in a long time. I also have Narcolepsy which was diagnosed 10 years ago, and this may not be helping anything. Any advice would be appreciated. The machine is currently set at 4-12 psi. When I roll over on my back I can really feel the pressure increase, which wakes me up and I go back on my side and it decreases again and then I can fall asleep again. Is this normal?
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RE: New CPAP user and not enjoying it
Hi elink5319,,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
CPAP therapy can take some getting used to but it does get better, give it time, you've only used your machine for one night.
You might try setting up during the evening and wearing your mask and using your machine while you watch tv or read; this will help your body get used to this new way of sleeping.
Hang in there for more suggestions and best of luck to you with your CPAP therapy.
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RE: New CPAP user and not enjoying it
(04-05-2014, 09:19 AM)elink5319 Wrote: I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, and now have a cpap machine. Used it for the first time last night and I am wandering, how long to get used to having to wear it. I slept terribly last night and I am more tired this morning then I have been in a long time. I also have Narcolepsy which was diagnosed 10 years ago, and this may not be helping anything. Any advice would be appreciated. The machine is currently set at 4-12 psi. When I roll over on my back I can really feel the pressure increase, which wakes me up and I go back on my side and it decreases again and then I can fall asleep again. Is this normal?

That's normal. Sleeping on ones back generally increases obstruction due to gravitational effects. Ergo, the machine increases pressure. Some people use gadgets to keep them off their back. Like sewing a tennis ball into the back of their night shirt.

I assume your S9 is an Auto. If you'll put you exact model in your profile, people will be better able to discuss your situation.

How long to get used to it... it varies with each person.
Easier for some than others. Often finding the right mask for the individual is the thing that makes it tolerable.
Admin Note:
JustMongo passed away in August 2017
Click HERE to read his Memorial Thread

~ Rest in Peace ~
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RE: New CPAP user and not enjoying it
I to am very new to this whole thing.
your lucky your first night is a pleasant dream compared to my first almost 2 weeks. with me I was diagnosed and they loaned me a machine, it took almost a week for them to get it adjusted by trial and error, and then a week where they said it is ready for use. I had no real instructions as to use of it or any help at all to speak of, they gave me a nose unit when I wanted a full mask, and they did not give me a strap or device to keep my mouth closed or even say I may need one or should get one. as a result most of the air was coming out my mouth and drying it so parched it hurt allot. all the while with all the leaking the machine was doing me no good at all and making my nights unbearable, your the smart one coming to a forum and asking for help the first night to get some help and support. sure wished I did. anyways long story short I did end up getting a machine, fighting, screening and kicking the whole way as I did not want to have to deal with painful dry mouth the rest of my life, oh they did tell me that this apnea was a life time sentence, anyways I did get a machine and a full face mask and have had it only a week now and am loving it. good nights sleep, feeling way better during the day. way more energy and clearer thinking. it has made a big difference in my life and I am just getting started, they say it can take up to 3 months to feel the full effect, looking forward to seeing just how good I get. moral of the story, hang in there it does get better, try new masks and ask questions here, tell us any problems or concerns you have as chances are someone here will have had the same thing and can give you a pointer as to how to deal with it.
keep working at it, it does get better. also settings of the machine help, the numbers given to you by the doc or whoever are a good starting point but how you sleep and feel is what counts, so tweaking is allowed.

hope it works out as good for you as it has for me.
take care

(04-05-2014, 09:19 AM)elink5319 Wrote: I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, and now have a cpap machine. Used it for the first time last night and I am wandering, how long to get used to having to wear it. I slept terribly last night and I am more tired this morning then I have been in a long time. I also have Narcolepsy which was diagnosed 10 years ago, and this may not be helping anything. Any advice would be appreciated. The machine is currently set at 4-12 psi. When I roll over on my back I can really feel the pressure increase, which wakes me up and I go back on my side and it decreases again and then I can fall asleep again. Is this normal?

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RE: New CPAP user and not enjoying it
Expect a few weeks to get used to the machine and the mask.

It is VERY RARE that anyone is comfortable with it the first night or even the first week.

Your low pressure 4 and your top end 12 are likely part of the problem. Talk to your doc about upping that bottom number.

When it changes from 4 to (near) 12 you might feel the increase.

Technically 12 is a very low air pressure (about moderate for CPAP) and if it STAYS NEAR that (e.g. 9-12) then you will likely never notice the differences -- but that sudden increase IS noticeable.

Once you have the machine NEAR your typical range, the only reason you should EVER feel the pressure is if you are Leaking.

Air pressure is almost unnoticeable unless there is a DIFFERENTIAL. Either when changing pressures or due to uncontrolled leaks.

A pressure of 12 is equivalent to THE OPPOSITE having (the midpoint of) lungs about 5 inches under water while breathing through a snorkel. With a snorkel your lungs are at higher pressure OUTSIDE, while with CPAP the higher pressure is INSIDE.

Even a pressure of 20 is only about 8 inches equivalent of water depth.

Sweet Dreams,

Sleep study AHI: 49 RDI: 60 -- APAP 10-11 w/AHI: 1.5 avg for 7-days (up due likely to hip replacement recovery)

"We can all breathe together or we will all suffocate alone."
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RE: New CPAP user and not enjoying it
I had neck aches at first. Take a 200mg I took a 200mg Ibuprofen
blue liquigel (easier on the stomach), until I found a decent position to keep my mask from leaking. Breathing was never a bother for me.
Mask leaks were my demon. I spent a lot trying masks, then ended up
with the one I started with. I had such high hopes for the ResMed
Liberty because it seemed so logical. Never got used to it. Now I accept the fact that forever I will be limited to 2 sleep positions.
Neither are uncomfortable, so it's more of a psych thing. I hate
limitations. If I wait for my mask to warm up, then do my final
knob adjustment I'm good. My worst night this week...1.3 yay!
the rest were under 1.0 so treatment is working. Despite the numbers
I have restful nights and bad nights. Energized mornings, and not so.
I NEVER have to nap, and have not spaced at the wheel. Many good
results however. One being that I no longer crave carbs and have lost
48lbs this year. Blood pressure is normal with no meds.
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RE: New CPAP user and not enjoying it
Welcome elink5319, Sorry you had a bad first night but not really surprised. I think it would be more unusual if you didn't.
It took me a while to get used to wearing a mask strapped up to my face.
I am a back sleeper and barely move at night so I am lucky in that respect.
All I can say is just hang in there and take one day at a time, that was my motto, and slowly but surely the nights will get easier and easier to deal with. Just get the mask strapped on as comfortable as possible and try and make sure there are no leaks, lay back and concentrate on your breathing and relax, just take it easy on yourself.
Then hopefully before long you will start to feel the follow on effects through in to the day time.
Please ask as many questions as you have, there is wealth of information to be tapped in to here.
Would love to here how you progress on your journey.
Good luck!
Sleep Tight...
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RE: New CPAP user and not enjoying it
Thank all of you for your helpful posts. I am now getting more used to it and I am able to sleep with it for about 8 hours. My doctor wants me to get at least that amount because of my narcolepsy.
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RE: New CPAP user and not enjoying it
Welcome to the forum elink5319. It is rare that anyone takes to CPAP therapy immediately. It is a physical adjustment for your body to learn how to breath with the therapy as well as a psychological thing. Having a good attitude is a big factor in being successful with it. It isn't normal to have a mask over your nose/mouth and a confining hose hooked up to you. Everyone is different in how long it takes to get used to it. You won't always feel all the benefits immediately. It takes a while but it is well worth it when everything starts coming together.

It is great you have had some better nights quickly into your therapy. it gives you confidence that you can get through it. Expect to have ups and downs with it. Even some that have been on therapy for a while experience those bad nights every now and then. The best advice as others have pointed out is be patient with it. Keep coming back and asking questions. Read other threads of interest. You will get a lot of encouragement and advice and learn a lot of tips to help you in your journey.
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RE: New CPAP user and not enjoying it
(04-08-2014, 10:14 AM)elink5319 Wrote: Thank all of you for your helpful posts. I am now getting more used to it and I am able to sleep with it for about 8 hours. My doctor wants me to get at least that amount because of my narcolepsy.
Hi elink5319,
It's great to hear that you have started getting used to CPAP therapy.
Keep up the good work and hang with it.
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