First: The pressure curve looks like you are using a PR System One APAP, which is the most recent of the Respirionics Remstar Autos. You might want to clean up the equipment description so that folks don't misread it as "resmed Auto".
The leaks look good: The highest spot on the Total Leak graph corresponds to a period when your pressures were also at their highest. And it looks to me like the Leak graph is doing a good job of estimating your excess leaks, which are trivial. I'd turn off the RedLine in the leak graph since that's for ResMed machines, and it can confuse people when they're looking at PR data. You can find out more about how leaks are calculated in
8. Leaks
The AHI is 3.10, but its really hard to find that. You need to have the Details tab selected in the Left Side Bar to make it easier for folks to find the AHI data.
Technically an AHI = 3.10 is fine. The target is to get and keep the AHI below 5.0.
You have a large number of events scored between 2:15 and 3:15, but it also follows an obvious wake. Did it take you a while to get back to sleep after that wake? If so, some or all of those events (particulary the RERAs) might just be sleep/wake/junk breathing patterns that are being mis-scored as "real" sleep breathing events.
Likewise, were you restless and dozing in and out of sleep after 7:30?
And did you have a titration study done? If so, what was your titrated pressure? It looks like you're running in APAP mode with a min pressure = 5 and max pressure of 14 or 15. In the long run, you may need to increase the min pressure setting a bit, but for now, things look good for someone who is just starting out.