link for Patrick McKeown, Oxygen Advantage
Anything you need could be found there.
'Shut your mouth and change your life', 1st video on the list on that site. Probably good place to start. Go from there.
I have watched so many videos, i could go forever finding the links and pasting .
Start here, you should be able to get all you need.
Everyone is different in how they determine what to watch , what to believe, what to try etc.
I know many folks here that could care less about what Patrick says or does.
You can lead a horse to water, but cant make 'em drink!
For me, it was very obvious that the science was there.
And it was worth trying out.
Get the Oxygen Advantage app for android or apple for your phone.
From the website...
That is what i am using daily.
what has it done for me?
No more Anxiety or Stress, or if/when it comes on, i just concentrate on breathing, using Patrick's method.
Procrastination, almost gone, or very little, and when it happens, again, back to some breathing exercises.
Creativity. Not sure how this is related, but i know it is, cause i am feeling it!
I am not out of breath like i used to be, though now i realize i was not out of breath, I was full of CO2 'Air Hunger', and that can be controlled!
Started breathing thru nose ALL the time, that is simple enough, just do it!
I feel great thru most of the day, though get tired later in day.
Hoping i find the right recipe or time allows me to get my sleep back, will see.
Not there yet.
But i am not waiting for the magic PAP machine recipe, thats for sure.
So many on this site complain about still feeling tired and AHI <1 !
Exercise is the key!
Gotta get the CO2 flowin'.
That leads to more blood oxygen and oxygen to your cells.
It is really that simple, with one modification...
NOSE BREATHE LSD , Light Slow and Deep ( using diaphragm)
I could probably go on and on, but i Know it is not productive for anyone who has not watched any videos, or read any literature.
When you do, I will be glad to help as much as I can with questions and answers, no problem.
good luck!