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Writing to ask if anyone else has had this experience:
I am a regular user of the Resmed Airfit P10 mask. The headgear was due for replacement, so I received a nice new one yesterday (exactly identical) and slept with it on last night.
I didn't look in the mirror on my way downstairs, but at breakfast my wife said, "Have you noticed you've broken out all across your cheekbones?"
Sure enough, I look like I have a case of measles confined to the exact area where the headgear straps come across my cheeks.
It's quite red and has become itchy (itchiness being a dead giveaway for an allergic response).
This has not happened to me before with Airfit headgear. Anyone else have this happen?
I'm presently washing it in some mild soap to see if I can "get out" whatever is causing this. (Sizing; starch; detergent or other chemical from the factory; new or different material in the underlying frame itself???) Thanks for any input.
I'm using an AirFit F20 FFM. Have been doing so now for well over one year. Occasionally, I get a contact rash from where the straps make contact with my skin.
I tend to sweat a bit at night, and that only makes matters worse. But, for the most part, it's not a big deal. The rashes seem to come & go.
I can go a month or two and no rashes. Then, all of a sudden, I wake up and my skin is irritated.
I just figure it's the cost of doing CPAP therapy.
Pad-a-Cheek makes a strap cover for the P 10, and there are some other brands out there. Judging from customer reviews, that might help with your problem. Good luck!
12-25-2019, 09:36 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2019, 09:51 PM by gregger.
Edit Reason: Accuracy
RE: Christmas Rash: Airfit P10 Headgear
Thanks! Found that thread.
Suggestions were to use pads/covers for the cheek straps, and also to try washing the headgear (which I now have done). The OP did not post results (yet).
Machine: ResMed Airsense 10 Autoset Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: ResMed F30 Humidifier: Built in CPAP Pressure: 10-14 CPAP Software: ResScan
Other Software
I have allergy to almost eveything and the P10 mask didn't bother my cheecks at all. used it fresh out of the bag too.
It did leave some red irritation spots on my nostrild. I put vaseline on them and they disappeared pretty quicjly.
I actually like thr P10 better than my ffm, it's much more comfortable. YmMV.
(12-25-2019, 11:46 PM)Hydrangea Wrote: I was thinking of ordering the P10 from my DME, and now I'm a bit worried, since my skin is very sensitive.
I have washed it a couple of times and will try it again tonight.
I think you may like the mask if you try it. There are many fans of it on the site. My nasal passages are always somewhat blocked due to my deviated septum and obstructing turbinates, and the P10 does the best job of "powering through" all but a completely stuffed nose.
I find the pillows very comfortable. The biggest downside for me, which many others have mentioned, is that the headgear is somewhat insubstantial and the straps lose their tension over a relatively short time. Resmed has stubbornly clung to this headgear, but in a token gesture of accommodation now includes two tiny clips with the mask that can be used to gather/tighten loose strap material.
I'm on my third issue of this mask and still rely on it!
Machine: ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: ResMed AirFit F30 Humidifier: HumidAir with ClimateLine Air, Climate control auto and hose temp 68 CPAP Pressure: 11-15 EPR 3 CPAP Software: ResScan
Other Comments: Backup battery - Rockpals 300w setup as a UPS with the TalantCell 24v cable