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Machine: AirSense 10 autoset Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Philips DreamWear Full Face Mask Humidifier: AirSense 10 autoset CPAP Pressure: 10 - 20 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Hi! first of all, sorry for my bad english. I'm a 34 years old male from Brazil and I've been using a CPAP machine for around 6 months, after more than a decade trying to descover why I felt so exhausted and angry.
I'm using a AirSense 10 autoset, and my therapy has seen some really good nights, when I woke like a new person, and some poor nights where I'm my old grumby self. First I tried a Dreamwear Nasal Mask and it was really good, but after a time it became clear that throught the night there was mouth-breathing. I started waking several times in the middle of the night with bonedry mouth and throat, searching for the bottle of water. Last time I tried the nasal mask, a few nights ago, the next day my mouth was split in several places.
So I bought a Dreamwear Full Face Mask. I really like their layout with the rose coming from above. Been using it for around three weeks, and there's no more dry mouth. But I'm getting several large leaks through the night. It seems that the only way to minimize it is tightening the straps in the maks, wich make the mask somewhat really hard to sleep with because of the pressure in the back of the head.
I took a screenshot from the last two nights. I'm using Oscar. If anyone has any advice, I would really appreciate it. I allready tried a chin strap, but it forces my jaw back and I think that, in the long run, it will cause some health issues.
Ah, I live in a tropical country (Brazil), in a city with the humidity/moisture around 80% (Rio de Janeiro), humidifier (the one accoupled to the airsense 10) between 3 to 6.
I hope I can help. I use an N20 nasal cushion. It covers only my nose. When I sleep, I lose tone in my jaw and in my lips, so I also leak out of my lips...quite enough to awaken me almost immediately. Nobody can sleep that way. But, like you, my choice of nasal cushion was a great fit. I was loath to change masks, so I asked around and found that some people use chin straps to force their jaws tight. However, you can still leak somewhat through the loose lips.
It was suggested to me that some people resort to taping their mouths closed. This is what I have done for nearly seven years now, and I am completely happy with the results. Find a sports tape that doesn't leave welts or sores on your mouth. 3M NexCare 'water resistant' tape is a medical tape that I use exclusively. Drug stores carry it, but you may have a similar product. You want something that can easily be taken off your mouth, but that won't dislodge during the night.
You will need to experiment with the placement of the tape if you elect to try taping. I would avoid the brown tapes because they are very difficult to remove, and will not come off quickly if you need to free your mouth suddenly...say during a time when both your nostrils close off due to congestion in the tissue. Happened to me twice.
Also, if you tape, fold over one end of the strip for a convenient tab to grab hold of when you want to remove the tape. You'll find this most convenient, and a quick remedy to the stuffy nose and you needing to rip off the tape quickly...again, don't get the tapes that are very difficult to take off your lips!!
Machine: AirSense 10 autoset Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Philips DreamWear Full Face Mask Humidifier: AirSense 10 autoset CPAP Pressure: 10 - 20 CPAP Software: OSCAR
(07-20-2022, 05:06 PM)mesenteria Wrote: I hope I can help. I use an N20 nasal cushion. It covers only my nose. When I sleep, I lose tone in my jaw and in my lips, so I also leak out of my lips...quite enough to awaken me almost immediately. Nobody can sleep that way. But, like you, my choice of nasal cushion was a great fit. I was loath to change masks, so I asked around and found that some people use chin straps to force their jaws tight. However, you can still leak somewhat through the loose lips.
It was suggested to me that some people resort to taping their mouths closed. This is what I have done for nearly seven years now, and I am completely happy with the results. Find a sports tape that doesn't leave welts or sores on your mouth. 3M NexCare 'water resistant' tape is a medical tape that I use exclusively. Drug stores carry it, but you may have a similar product. You want something that can easily be taken off your mouth, but that won't dislodge during the night.
You will need to experiment with the placement of the tape if you elect to try taping. I would avoid the brown tapes because they are very difficult to remove, and will not come off quickly if you need to free your mouth suddenly...say during a time when both your nostrils close off due to congestion in the tissue. Happened to me twice.
Also, if you tape, fold over one end of the strip for a convenient tab to grab hold of when you want to remove the tape. You'll find this most convenient, and a quick remedy to the stuffy nose and you needing to rip off the tape quickly...again, don't get the tapes that are very difficult to take off your lips!!
I tried once, but felt like I was going to suffocate, and tape was really painful to remove, gluing in the beard and lips. But I'm willing to give the tape another try, the 3M Nexcare is affordable and looks like really comfortable.I'll try it, and comeback to give a feedback.
07-20-2022, 07:36 PM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2022, 07:43 PM by manich.)
RE: Help! Struggling with large leaks
Just got my machine and N30i nasal mask today. The iBreeze keeps showing the mask is not sealed no matter how much I adjust it. I have a mustache that I keep trimmed away from my nose, but is it possible to get a good seal with facial hair?
I have a goatee and full face masks have trouble sealing for me. Since I don't mouth breathe, I'm able to get away with a nasal pillows mask and that helps with the seal. Only time I face issues is with terrible nasal congestion. I have purchased a mask pad from "Pad A Cheek" for my FFM and it helps with the seal some.
I am clean shaven after a 30 year career in the military. We couldn't get a good enough seal on our gas masks with beards. Moustaches are okay because military gas masks seal around the lower jaw, cheeks, and forehead. But smaller pillows and cushions will often seal well enough on our CPAP machines, at least according to a lot of posts from members here when we discuss this topic over the years. I find it hard to believe, but they insist it can be done.
Most leaks are due to deformation or displacement of the various cushion/pillows we use with CPAP. Some are due to straps too tight or too loose, some are due to displacement when we side-sleep or when our arms come into contact with the mask during sleep. (Some of us, unfortunately, actually remove our masks while we are asleep and don't know until some time later. )
It takes time, but most of us learn how to sleep relatively well with whichever mask offers the best comfort and therapy. I had to learn how to sleep on my side, especially.
i think you have the wrong size of mask thats why its leaking, buy a cheap lower size mask just for trial if it stop the leak then buy a costly mask after 2-3 months
Machine: AirSense 10 autoset Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Philips DreamWear Full Face Mask Humidifier: AirSense 10 autoset CPAP Pressure: 10 - 20 CPAP Software: OSCAR
(07-21-2022, 04:01 AM)Psychotech Wrote: i think you have the wrong size of mask thats why its leaking, buy a cheap lower size mask just for trial if it stop the leak then buy a costly mask after 2-3 months
I have two sizes for the frame and two for the pillow. Already tried all the possible combinations, shaved my beard, etc. And there's no cheap masks in Brazil . Treatment is really expensive here.
Machine: AirSense 10 autoset Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Philips DreamWear Full Face Mask Humidifier: AirSense 10 autoset CPAP Pressure: 10 - 20 CPAP Software: OSCAR
So... I tried the 3M Nexcare tape last night with my nasal mask, and was really comfortable. It's not perfect yet, but I think it will be the best option for me. The tape is really soft, don't hurt when you pull it off, the texture is smooth on you skin.
You can't pull it off and then use it again. It loses some of the "glue" and then you mouth breath a little. But the tape has 5 meters, you just cut a new piece and that's all.