My respiration seemed to drop off right before it happened, but I'm new to all of this and maybe misunderstanding the data? You'll see it right around 2am. I had to take the mask off and get up to settle down after this happened.
Here's more data. It's the stuff I've been looking at more often (the top of the Sleepyhead page.)
During these episodes, I'm sound asleep, and wake up with my heart pounding. I practice deep breathing and try to stay calm and still until it passes. After the first two attacks (months ago), I was diagnosed as having panic attacks and given a low dose benzodiazepine for occasional use.
These attacks have only ever happened during sleep; I've never had a daytime panic attack. I consider myself a somewhat anxious person, but it has never controlled my life in a significant way or had a major impact on what I can or can't do. (Just how hard I have to work to make myself do frightening things!)
It was actually much scarier this time because I'd come to believe my apnea was triggering these events, so treating it (I assumed) would mean no more terrifying episodes where I think I'm dying of a heart attack.
My apnea was well controlled that night (less than 1) so I'd really like to figure out if I have some other medical issue to deal with. Is there a clue in my data?
Having learned here on ApneaBoard that two of my medications trigger central apneas, which figured heavily (40%) in my sleep study, I've cut back as much as possible on both, but I am living with a chronic condition and I can't get in to see my specialist until January.