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I prefer the Bleep Eclipse Halo system because of the lack of headgear. But I get some external nose skin irritation from the required scrubbing with astringent (witch hazel), so every few days I use a ResMed F20 Airtouch full face mask to let my skin recover.
With the Halos I don't get many OA events, and the max pressure is usually around 12 or 13. The Nov 21 screenshot is typical.
But with the F20 I get clusters of many OA events, close in time, and the max pressure reaches the max of 20. The Nov 28 screenshot is typical.
Any idea why I get these results with the F20 versus the Halo?
Total AHI is usually below 5 for either mask, so I guess both are providing reasonable therapy?
Are there any changes I should consider for better results?
This has nothing to do with which mask you used. You are having positional apnea on the 26th. . You can see positional apnea where either H or Oa events are clustered together. Getting rid of as many as you can will lower your AHI. Positional apnea can NOT be controlled by pressure changes. You have to find out what position you are getting into and cutting off your own airway. Have you changed your sleep position? Sleeping on your back? Using more (or new) pillows? These things can cause positional apnea by chin dropping to your sternum and cutting your airway. Think of it of a kinked hose – nothing can get through – you have to unkink the hose…
IF you can’t make a simple change like changing to a flatter pillow helps then you will need a collar. I have a link to collars in my signature at the bottom of the page. It shows people who are not wearing a collar and the SAME person wearing a collar. There is a huge difference between the two.
Thank you for this advice. I'll experiment with different pillows, etc.
I understand your point that it is not the mask per se that is causing this difference. But since I have seen this consistent association with the two different masks over several nights, I wonder if there is something about the headgear and hose connection with the F20 that "allows" me to get into a more kinked position as opposed to the Bleep hose under the nose and no headgear. I'll try to pay attention to that possibility and see.