I've been on PAP therapy since 2013.
Been lurking this forum from time to time to understand my therapy and I have the opportunity with my insurance to buy a new machine.
I'm wondering if it is time for me to move to a Aircurve 10 VAuto? (I've seen great price online)
Here's how my last 10 years went (Thanks OSCAR!):
2013-->2016: S9 Autoset APAP P: 10-17 EPR: 3
2017: Switched to Airsense 10 same settings.
2018:I was still feeling groggy and early 2018, the sleep doctor said that could be cause by the pressure change from the APAP mode and switched me to CPAP at a fixed pressure of 16 with an EPR set to 1.
This past 6 months I have been feeling tired again. I have been reading a lot of the threads on the forum and have been playing a bit with my settings to settle on APAP P:15-20 with EPR set to 3.
Here's a screenshot of this last night:
I did activate the user event flag:
Why you would ask? I always had the impression (and more in the last 6 months) that even if my AHI is on the low side, that I'm not fully benefiting from the therapy. Here's a zoomed section for example:
What do you think?
Thank you very much and happy new year!