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Doctor says perfect data, but extremely tired - OSCAR Data
Doctor says perfect data, but extremely tired - OSCAR Data
Hello, I am hoping to have some help interpreting my OSCAR data. 

I have been using my ResMed AirSense 10 machine for ~ 3 years. My quality of sleep varies between periods of somewhat okay sleep (not great, but better than before I began treatment) and extreme fatigue. Right now is one of the periods of extreme fatigue and I can hardly function at work and daily tasks. 

Whenever I have my doctor review the data, he congratulates me on perfect compliance and averaging 8 hours per night. To him, it seems, the therapy is working perfectly and there is nothing more he can do. I am trying to get an overnight sleep study done, as I have only had a take-home test done in the past, but this is easier said than done apparently - since my machine data indicates that the therapy is working!

I decided to install OSCAR today and look at my data, but everything seems fine to me... but I don't really understand what I am looking at. My AHI seems low, and I don't see any variation in the data for periods where I have been sleeping especially poorly. For reference, the last week has been especially bad, as well as the last two weeks of July

I use an AirSense 10 with a pillows mask, and a chin strap, and I have attached the OSCAR data to this post. 

Thanks in advance for your help. I would really appreciate any insight or advice anyone may have. 

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RE: Doctor says perfect data, but extremely tired - OSCAR Data
Overall I agree with your doc, I don't see anything here.

Let's take a closer look. Please post 3 random 3-minute views (so we can see the breath by breath of what is happening) and 1 that look wierdd or off to you.
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RE: Doctor says perfect data, but extremely tired - OSCAR Data
@ Gideon - I have a question for you. The min is set to 12, so how can the median be 10.36??
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RE: Doctor says perfect data, but extremely tired - OSCAR Data
turn down EPR to 2, you mostly have ca due to epr
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RE: Doctor says perfect data, but extremely tired - OSCAR Data

are those your real settings?
did you change the settings at the end of this night?

The items highlighted on the chart don't seem to match...
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RE: Doctor says perfect data, but extremely tired - OSCAR Data
It seems to be perfect
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RE: Doctor says perfect data, but extremely tired - OSCAR Data
(08-24-2022, 02:05 AM)SevereApnea Wrote: Auzzyrocks 

are those your real settings?
did you change the settings at the end of this night?

The items highlighted on the chart don't seem to match...

There are three short sessions in the morning, all conflicting with the given pressure settings, so I suspect the settings were changed after those sessions and before the data was imported (and before noon).
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RE: Doctor says perfect data, but extremely tired - OSCAR Data
Phil is the expert here, I was going to ask specifically when did you change the settings.
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RE: Doctor says perfect data, but extremely tired - OSCAR Data
Hi All, 

Thank you for replying and I apologize for not following up - I thought I had email notifications set up for replies.. apparently I didn't.

Gideon - I have posted 4 x 3 min views from the same night as before (Aug 23rd). # 4 looks strange to me. The others are fairly random.

As for the discrepancy in the settings, it is possible I changed the settings the morning of Aug 24th, when I downloaded the data - but it was not recorded by my 'settings changes' I have posted a screenshot of that page as well. I have also posted a view from Aug 19th and the settings seem to line up with the actual pressure. I will, however, turn down the EPR to 2 and see if that helps.

I am still dealing with an intermittent, extreme fatigue. I have switched to a full-face pillows mask, which doesn't seem to make any difference regarding the fatigue. I had an array of tests done with my doctor to no avail... apparently she can't find anything wrong either. My CPAP clinic is very reluctant to run an overnight sleep study, and I am running out of things to try. 

I have considered buying a finger-clamp oxygen monitor to help verify what the CPAP data is telling me - if my O2 levels are low in the morning it might be an indication my machine isn't working right. 

I again apologize for not replying earlier, but I will keep an eye on this page now, and I would be grateful for any further help or advice. 

Additional Images.

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RE: Doctor says perfect data, but extremely tired - OSCAR Data
Have you placed your cursor over the magenta vertical bars in 'events'?  You have a great many of them near waking time, and I fear they are arousing you from the very important last hour or so of sleep when you do much of your dreaming.  At least, that's how it works for a great many of us.

When you place your cursor over those bars, all of them all night long, do any of them exceed about 12-14 seconds?  If yes, that's your problem...your sleep is practically horrible, your claimed sub-5 AHI notwithstanding. If none of them exceeds something between 11 and 14 seconds, they are probably innocuous...or should be, except that you get so many of them they may gang up on you a bit. Or, you have disordered sleep that is quite unrelated to all those CA's, and maybe causing them.

My point is, almost all of us have a CA here and there, sometimes as we're trying to fall asleep (sleep-onset central apnea), or when we are within 30-50 minutes of waking.  But it seems you have quite a few, along with other events recorded, and I would like to know how long the longest two or three are, and where they happened...near the end of sleep or earlier.

Your claimed AHI is not bad at all, but maybe it's simply too high for you. When my own get above 1.8 or thereabouts, I can safely assume I had a not-so-great night, and I feel it the next day. Maybe we need to fine tune your therapy to get you closer to 1.5.
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