Does this blood O2 indicate apnea?
Hi there! I'm still at the stage of trying to figure out whether my sleep issues might be due to apnea. I wear an Apple Watch to track my sleep and it also tracks blood oxygen levels. My levels frequently dip down to around 80% at night, although they generally stay at over 95% during the day. I know the watch isn't a medical device, but could this be an indication that I need to look into apnea as a possible cause?
Symptoms: No trouble falling asleep but I wake up too early after around 4-5 hours and generally can't fall asleep again. When I wake up like this I feel like I've just drunk a couple of strong shots of espresso. As a result I feel sleep deprived most of the time, which is getting to be really an issue.
Thanks in advance for any tips.
RE: Does this blood O2 indicate apnea?
I was diagnosed with OSA in the basis of just a finger oximeter session. My 02 plummeted several times an hour and my pulse would race to compensate. I was fast-tracked onto an APAP machine immediately. So yes, it is possible to diagnose OSA on the basis of oximetry. But I would strongly recommend you get a professional diagnosis and, preferably, an overnight sleep study, so you know what you're dealing with.
RE: Does this blood O2 indicate apnea?
Thanks. I’m going to check with my doctor. ?
RE: Does this blood O2 indicate apnea?
Welcome to the forum!
I've advised someone who was interested in having a sleep study done to measure blood oxygen levels. They were normal=for me, why worry.