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Attached is a PDF document directly from Philips that explains the various humidification options available in Dreamstation machines including temperature and humidity set points.
I have not been able to find this information in any Philips manuals or their website.
Of note is that both Fixed and Adaptive humidification modes do not appear to work when a heated tube is used. A separate Heated Tube Mode is used instead with different temperature/RH setpoints. This is not explained anywhere in the manual to my knowledge.
Basically you can perceive heated tube mode as adaptive+heated tube.
And the temp and humidity sensor is near the air inlet so it should only measures the room temp and RH, the RH given in adaptive and HT mode should be an estimation, and I think it's quite roughly.
(09-06-2022, 09:23 PM)zellem Wrote: Basically you can perceive heated tube mode as adaptive+heated tube.
And the temp and humidity sensor is near the air inlet so it should only measures the room temp and RH, the RH given in adaptive and HT mode should be an estimation, and I think it's quite roughly.
That is a good way of putting it. It does explain my (poor) experience with the humidification system ever since I first got my Dreamstation. I always disliked the variability in the Adapative heating and would rather prefer the constant heating that Fixed mode provides.
However, even after changing the setting to Fixed I noticed that it didn't make much of a difference. Now I know why! I was using a heated tube the entire time.
Its dumb that the machine still lets you select Adapative and Fixed modes when using a heated tube. They should have disabled those settings when a heated tube is attached so as to not confuse users.
Ironically if you use the Encore to view the device setting, you'll see the full content of that setting -- 'humidification mode on heated tube disconnect'.
Unlike the system one you can use a heated tube and disable the HT function, DS will mandatory switch to the heated tube mode.