AirSense 10
What is the "Response " setting?
I have an air leak at the top mask hose fitting on
P30i mask. Constantly leaks where hose slides onto mask swivel fitting.
Is this leak normal? You can't hear it but can feel it.
Is this leak messing my numbers up?
How can you delete a unintended start up from
your SD card memory?
RE: AirSense 10
ResMed AirSense 10 has a Response comfort setting with the option of Standard or Soft. The enhanced algorithm responds to the "soft" setting with gentler pressure increases for additional comfort. Standard is a more rapid pressure rise.
Some masks use a top vent, and its effects do not generally mess up your numbers if you have selected the right type of mask in the settings.
It is "believed" by many that mask type on ResMed is used by the device to calculate the amount of "intentional" leakage (that leakage from the vent) and subtract that from the total amount of leakage it detects; this way, the system can calculate the actual unintentional leakage. But who knows, ResMed does not consider the end user to be their customer.
You cannot delete or alter data from the SD card -- and it uses a hash value to detect file tampering or data errors.
"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius