(02-08-2017, 06:26 PM)looks61 Wrote:
Thanks so very much Richard! Then based on your experience I 'm doing good ?!
I've only been a hose head for about five months. All I can say is, when ResScan was telling me my AHI was good (i.e. <6), I was aware that I was still having numerous throat closings throughout the night, so I worked on increasing my minimum pressure until I got to 14 CM which, on many nights now, results in less than 1 AHI. I seem to hover right around 1 AHI or less.
Attached is a screenshot of my ResScan smartphone app showing my AHI for the past nine days. I don't think I could get it much better than this.
I don't care anymore if I need to remove the mask numerous times throughout the night as I get up to take Advil most nights and many times just removing the Pap-Cap and mask for even just a few minutes feels good. So, the main ResScan index number doesn't phase me in the least. I do monitor the ResScan to see how many hours I have slept each night as I tend to sleep about ten hours nightly. Most recently, that has been dropping to between 8.5 and 10.
Of course, the real test is how we feel. It took me using the APAP going on five months and I am just about now beginning to feel more alert throughout most of the day, whereas before I felt like I was walking around in a fog and would lay down up to about five times daily. Now, I don't lay down at all most days.
I would say, if your AHI is greater than about two, there is likely room for improvement, but only your body can tell you how good you feel and if the CPAP is working for you.