I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea in September with a home sleep test from bluesleep. AHI of 17, and finally some answers on why I've been tired my whole life haha. Following that, I was given a Luna G3 APAP machine. Thanks to the wealth of knowledge on this forum and other places, I was able to pitch a fit and get the machine swapped for something OSCAR compatible and now have a Resmed Airsense 11 Autoset. I basically copied my settings one for one to the new machine, but have found a new, peculiar issue. I seem to be having events flagged as central apneas and it seems to be in the same ballpark of quantity nearly every single night (roughly 1.7-3 CAI). I have attempted fiddling with the EPR setting on the machine, and even turned it off for quite some time to see if that helped. I have also fiddled a bit with the pressure settings, mask type, mouth taping and etc. I also tried a night with CPAP mode at a slightly higher pressure and that is by far the worst feeling night I have had since starting therapy.
I should add that I'm aware the machine score is not the most reliable but it is definitely impacting my sleep. The irony of the entire situation is that I had FINALLY had two nights of excellent, uninterrupted, sleep with the Luna G3 when my new machine arrived and I had to box up and send off the Luna. The most recent change I have made is turning EPR back on and to a 1, which seems to have helped some with preventing arousals. I will post OSCAR charts from last night, as well as a night a few weeks ago for comparison.
30 yr old Male
185 lbs
Machine Settings (Transferred from Luna):
Min Pressure 9
-I have dabbled a bit with using a lower as well as higher minimum pressure as well. This had zero effect on much of anything other than creating more flagged hypopnea events.
Max Pressure 14
EPR 2--Full Time (Was called Reslex on Luna)
-I have since turned this off, and then back to 1 in an effort to reduce centrals. It has had zero effect. Turning it back to 1 has helped with allowing me to stay asleep a bit more the past few days for some reason. I have tried 2 for a nap the other day and found it fairly uncomfortable.
Ramp Off
Humidifier 1 (Rainout happens easily since I live in a pretty arid climate)
Mask Type/Other Relevant info:
-Most nights I use an Evora FFM. Will probably be attempting to switch to something that is not a hybrid mask. This one rarely leaks or doesn't leak much but none of the sizes fit me exactly right. It is good enough most nights for now.
-I have tried a Resmed P10 Nasal Pillows mask. I like it okay but I find it to be fairly uncomfortable over time as it seems to cause pain/irritation on my nostrils. Additionally I find it leaks as I toss and turn, and I have to mouth tape when I use it.
-I am a side sleeper
-I use a soft cervical collar which I started using when I had the Luna. It made a major difference preventing Obstructive events.
Sorry for the wall of text. Any help will be appreciated it. Since starting therapy I have had 3 nights where I've slept great which is more than I can say since...ever. My scores are a bit different from when I was using the Luna machine but even though they are low(ish), I am definitely not feeling my best since switching machines.