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Feedback and Help on OSCAR Data, I am a new user of a CPAP machine and feel tired!
Feedback and Help on OSCAR Data, I am a new user of a CPAP machine and feel tired!
Hello Everyone, 

This is my first post here, very nice to e-meet you!
About 3 months ago I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, Mild-to-Moderate, with an AHI of 14.8. 

I am 33 years old, I do sports 3 times a week, my BMI is normal, around 17% Body fat, so I think I am quite active and have no major weight problems. 
My sleeping position is horrible, and even though I tried to sleep on the side for the majority of my nights, I can fall asleep fairly "quickly" (in maybe less than 40 minutes) only if I sleep stomach down. 
I tried stomach up, side, getting pillows from everywhere: never really managed to sleep in any other position. 

Having said the above: I am currently renting a Resmed 10 For Her (they did not have any other in stock, even though I am a male) and it is the AutoSet mode. 
In the country I am currently from a normal sleep study is about 1000USD, and a titration study can cost 3-4 times more, so I have only done the normal. 
Unfortunately this means that once I got my CPAP, they gave me a basic and fairly generic prescription, and I was literally left on my own. 

- Machine is a Resmed Autoset for Her, Model 10.
- PAP Mode: APAP
- Pressure Range: 4.0 to 16.0
- EPR: Full Time
- EPR Level: 2cmH2O
- Humidity Level is 4

My mask is a N30i, I have chosen it after trying 2-3 masks for about 30 minutes. I find it surprisingly comfortable, and I never had any problems from day 1. 
I got used to my CPAP in about 20-30 days, initially I was using it for 2 hours a night, and then all of a sudden I manage to use it between 7 to 10 hours a day, depending on how much I sleep (I tend to sleep 7 hours or so during the week, and about 9-10 during the weekend). 

The main issue is that my sleep never got really better. 
The main difference I find from "before" is that I hardly wake up with a strong headache that last during the day: this was very common pre-CPAP. 
My mood might also be slightly improved, however I have really hard time at saying to myself that I wake up feeling refreshed. 
Every night, after 3 to 4 hours of sleep, I wake up to use the toilet once. Then I get to sleep until my alarm. This might disrupt my sleep too (I eat dinner fairly late, around 8.30PM the majority of the night and I am not able to change this for at least the next 2 to 3 months. 

So I started playing a little bit with the pressure, trying to see if things would improve, but unfortunately it does not look like.

Is there anything on my settings that I can improve? I am posting 3 different screenshots, one from when I got the machine after I got used to it, and 2 from my new pressure settings. 
I am wondering if there are too many leaks, if my pressure settings are simply wrong, if there is anything I can test. 

I have no side effects at the moment with the CPAP therapy: no aerophagia etc...

Thank you guys!

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RE: Feedback and Help on OSCAR Data, I am a new user of a CPAP machine and feel tired!
Your chart looks fine. It looks like your current pressure setting is 10-16 EPR 3, which looks like a setup one for you.

The one thing I suggest to focus on is managing the leaks as they are likely impacting sleep quality. Consider trying a soft cervical collar or mouth tape as the leaks look to me like mouth leaks.

Other than that things are looking pretty good. Give it some time.
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RE: Feedback and Help on OSCAR Data, I am a new user of a CPAP machine and feel tired!
One thing I'll note is that you can't ignore the rules for sleep hygiene that apply to everyone. We seem to sometimes get lost in chasing numbers on the chart, but it helps to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day once you have solid looking therapy numbers like you have.

That, and try to fix your mouth leaks. It's something I am working on as well.

Just my $.02
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RE: Feedback and Help on OSCAR Data, I am a new user of a CPAP machine and feel tired!
Thank you guys!
Do you reckon the lower pressure settings was better, or the higher one?
No major changes in how I feel between the two pressure settings I'd say Smile
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