Total newbie here and still trying to figure all this out. Please forgive my ignorance, any advice is appreciated.
My sleep study showed 33 AHI p/h. As per attached screen shot for month of August (not oscar - sleephq), I’ve got that down to under 2 AHI p/h on average . I also feel better, so I know it’s working. But I want to make sure my setup is optimized. I’m confused about my flow limit here. Does this look too high can anyone tell me? And also pressure - if I’m hitting my max pressure every night (albeit briefly) should I increase pressure? Leak rate not in screen shot but no issues there - I understand that metric. : )
Mask: Pillows
Mode: APAP
Pressure min: 6.0 cmH2O
Pressure max: 9.0 cmH2O
EPR level: 3 cmH2O
Ramp: Off