Forgot to lock my SD card, no new data recorded
I didn't lock my SD card when I installed and used Sleepyhead a few days ago, and no new data has been written to the SD card since then.
I'm using Windows 10 Pro, 64bit build version 1803
I don't see anything in the provider setup on the Philips System One Resmed Auto that would allow me to reset/clear the card.
I opened a command prompt and started looking around for system and hidden files on the card.
Files are still being written to the card but they are not seen in my Dreammapper software or Sleepyhead
I looked at the properties.txt in the root of the file folder and I can see this information:
Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing this problem, or should I just get a new card from the provider?
(I didn't find a fix on this board)
12-27-2018, 09:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-27-2018, 09:31 AM by Sleeprider.)
RE: Forgot to lock my SD card, no new data recorded
Your card may have prescription data or other records used by your DME or doctor. Normally all data files on your machine are in folders named P-Series, Settings, and some other files. The files on your SD card look like identifiers for a larger database. I think the easiest way to go is to insert a clean SD card between 2 and 32 GB in size and formatted as FAT32. The machine will write all summary data in memory to the card. Detailed data will be written as the machine is used.
I could be wrong for your machine, but the files you see are not familiar to me and may be from the DME Encore program when they programmed your prescription data to the SD card. If that is what it is, then you can format that card as the machine does not need to upload that data more than once.
12-27-2018, 10:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-27-2018, 10:36 AM by PanchoCole.
Edit Reason: substituted a ">" for a ")"
RE: Forgot to lock my SD card, no new data recorded
I'd hate to lose all this data:
My SD card file structure:
<DIR> P-Series
01/17/2015 06:14 PM <DIR> P13276375D349
03/11/2015 05:23 PM 8 usedRESP.000
12/27/2018 12:14 PM 13 last.txt
03/11/2015 05:23 PM 8 usedRESP.002
03/11/2015 05:23 PM 8 usedRESP.003
03/11/2015 01:21 PM 115 encore.txt
<DIR> P13276375D349
03/17/2015 10:40 PM <DIR> p0
12/27/2018 12:14 PM 372 properties.txt
05/09/2015 06:37 AM <DIR> p1
07/24/2015 03:06 AM <DIR> p2
09/25/2015 02:38 AM <DIR> p3
12/11/2015 04:41 AM <DIR> p4
03/12/2016 05:06 AM <DIR> p5
05/25/2016 08:28 AM <DIR> p6
08/05/2016 03:41 AM <DIR> p7
10/19/2016 07:59 AM <DIR> p8
01/25/2017 03:49 AM <DIR> p9
04/09/2017 10:23 AM <DIR> p10
07/01/2017 03:49 AM <DIR> p11
09/17/2017 04:17 AM <DIR> p12
10/02/2017 06:44 AM <DIR> e
12/23/2017 09:23 AM <DIR> p13
03/06/2018 03:15 AM <DIR> p14
05/24/2018 03:33 AM <DIR> p15
08/14/2018 06:31 AM <DIR> p16
11/11/2018 04:37 AM <DIR> p17
RE: Forgot to lock my SD card, no new data recorded
That is the data I would expect to see. Sleepyhead should read it, and it will also work with Encore programs. That data goes back several years. I take it you have owned this machine for a while, or you got it used?
RE: Forgot to lock my SD card, no new data recorded
I don't know if the machine was new or reconditioned when I got it years ago, I'm supposing new, as I got it from my provider. The card was new and provided by the provider.
I had been using the Dreammapper but I wanted more detail.
Sleepyhead imported all the data up until Dec 22, but I hadn't locked the card, and while some xml files have been written to the card since Dec 22, Dreammapper and Sleepmapper can't see new data.
I don't know what information was written to the card when it was unlocked, and I don't know if I should take ownership of and delete the "System Volume Information" hidden directory in the root of the drive
Since I started this thread, I've updated my computer not to index removable drives using gpedit
I've also ordered the FlashAir SD card to prevent this issue from happening (I'm a network admin so I should be able to get that to work)
RE: Forgot to lock my SD card, no new data recorded
I use a FlashAir and love its convienance.
The FlashAir is pretty finicky to set up and pretty sensitive to distance from your router. I would also caution against setting up the FlashAir until you've definitely solved the device not writing new data to the SD Card.
I agree with Sleeprider, stick a clean SD Card into your device and solve the data writing issue first.
RE: Forgot to lock my SD card, no new data recorded
It works with a new SD card (at least for the Dreammapper app via Bluetooth), when I posted this I was trying to get the original card to work (I'd still like to know why it's not working). I got a new card a few days ago and installed it. I also ordered the FlashAir SD card because it looks convenient - if I get this to work I will have both Bluetooth and Wifi connectivity to my data.