Thanks Sleeprider.
I have read through the leak wiki and made three adjustments last night. Loosened the mask, turned off EPR and repositioned the hose to hang over the bedhead instead of just letting it hang to the side. Contrary to advice, I made three changes at once.
However, last night was a huge improvement, see below.
Re the mask, I have tried a number of masks and settled for the Resmed N30I. gives me the least amount of leaks.
I am in Australia, access to medical specialists is a real problem here, not to mention the cost, although our Medicare system does cover about 70% of the cost.
I am not confident with my current specialist, he has made a number of errors interpreting my data and told me I need to shave my beard off even though the N30I, which he has seen, goes nowhere near my beard.
I tried to change to the guy who produced the report, but he is only taking on urgent cases ATM and delaying all others.
I have been using the S9 on and off for years, but now I need to show it is working as here in OZ correct treatment is a requirement for renewing my driver's license at age 75 in a few months.
For now, I will leave the machine settings as is for a few days and see if the AHI continues to drop, then I will make the next changes as suggested one by one with a few days beteen changes.
I also have the option of going direct to Resmed at no cost, their premises are only a few minutes drive from me, but in the past their suggested changes have not worked.
The cost of an ASV here is about $AUD3500 for a basic machine, of which my insurance will pay $AUD500. I have to get a prescription for it from my doctor though.
It is possible my requirements have changed, I used to get really good readings, I have also attached one of those screenshots.