and afterwards i couldn't sleep again. not flagged, but enough to wake me up.
this time i was tweaking psmin, so i can breath in without to much effort
and not being rushed.. ..for this there was just one value really,its 3,6,
but my position is on the side looking on the screen of the asv
and maybe its different, when i'm lying on my back.
when i have my hypopneas, i would need psmin higher, i guess,
but the asvauto is not auto there. i could cope with a little rushing and put it to the test.
ps max is tweaked so there is lo leak (plus i don't get an headache from the pulsing)
under 29 i had condensation again with humidity 6 i could try 5 or 4 again and then go colder.
outside its cold AND humid in the night which seems t make my nose open up,
but this seems not to be achievable.. ..4 was a little dry.
i could try 5 and see how far down i could go with the temperature.
i decreased epap min and max by one.
i could have a better idea, here.
is the leak-rate ok now ?