I have a new AirCurve 11 VAuto BiLevel to replace my BiPAP Pro 660P machine. The SDCard does not work on the 660P so I only have the machine settings and no sleep data. My pulmonologist would like to see data for 30-days, that is the reason I bought the AirCurve.
I've been using BiPAP machines since 1997 due to having limb girdle muscular dystrophy. My recent PFT was 18% which is not good. I had a sleep lab test and they tried to have me use VAuto mode, but that does not work for me.
The 660P does not have the settings options that the AirCurve 11 shows. I'm confused on the settings for Ti Max, Ti Min, Rise Time, Trigger, and Cycle.
660P settings
IPAP: 25
I set the AirCurve to S mode after testing VAuto mode. I'm still trying to get the steady inhale/exhale that works well for me. I assume the AirCurve can duplicate the experience I have with the 660P.
AirCurve settings
IPAP: 25
Ti Range: 1.0s - 2.0s
Rise Time: Min
Trigger: Med
Cycle: Med
Easy Breathe: Off
These settings seem to be close to what I feel on the 660P. There is a sharp transition between IPAP and EPAP. I feel like my 660P acts more like a ventilator with steady in and out.
Does anyone have any advice on what adjustments I can make to duplicate my experience with the 660P?