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How can I delete chunks of data from when I am awake without deleting the entire day?
Yesterday my alarm to wake up was set at noon, but it took me a second to turn off my alarm and take off my mask. Theres now a random 1 minute chunk at the start of the new day's data with stretches the scale to nearly 24 hours.
Then in the evening, I wore my mask for about 45 minutes before bed while reading as per my respiratory therapists recommendation. But the machine claims that I had an obstructive apnea during this time which is obviously incorrect! Its throwing off my data accuracy so how can I delete these 2 random chunks from my day? I can only find the option to erase the whole day.
I've attached a picture below, only the last two 4 hour chunks are my actual sleeping time. Thanks.
RE: How can I delete chunks of data from when I am awake without deleting the entire day?
You can't delete those sessions, but you can tell OSCAR to ignore them.
In the left column, scroll down below the Machine Settings; you will find Session Information. To the left of each session is a box with a check mark. Click on the check mark to clear the box, and that session will be removed from all calculations.
As a design decision, OSCAR will not edit any data it imports. Because of thsi, some agencies will accept OSCAR data as proof of usage.
Apnea Board Monitors are members who help oversee the smooth functioning of the Board. They are also members of the Advisory Committee which helps shape Apnea Board's rules & policies. Membership in the Advisory Members group does not imply medical expertise or qualification for advising Sleep Apnea patients concerning their treatment.
RE: How can I delete chunks of data from when I am awake without deleting the entire day?
Thank you! I didn't realize I could scroll down
That completely fixed it, and now my AHI at the top is accurate.
My respiratory therapist said the sleep data got uploaded to him everyday wirelessly, I'm just using the SD card on my own because it was recommended online and I am curious to see my results before my next appointment