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How to sleep on my side??
RE: How to sleep on my side??
(01-26-2018, 05:50 PM)Sharnie Wrote: Well had my 30 day follow up with my DME today. They want me to try a few things with my mask first but in a week if I’m still having leaks they want to try a different mask.

So I have that going for me. Still
trying to decide if it’s worth the
money to buy a CPAP pillow.

Free time that is a good option.

Thank you again


My wife just went about 6 years with a Resmed Quattro FFM with leaks the whole time. We never could get it to seal, but she told me she wouldn't switch to a nasal pillow mask because: "they told me I was a mouth breather at my sleep study". After I found out about Sleepyhead software found out she was never better than about 4.51 AHI, saw all the leaks, and decided I was sick of hearing her snoring, I switched her to an Airfit P10 nasal mask.

It was LITERALLY like flipping a switch! Her very first night with the Airfit P10 she had NO leaks higher than the default mask leak rate, her snoring went down to less than about a 10 from a 100 previous level, and her AHI was below a 1!
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RE: How to sleep on my side??
My personal experience agrees with the post  on this topic from "UPSMAN". I have always used the nasal cushion type ask, and I too get my best results by "hanging" my face over the edge of a plain pillow. My current mask is the Res-Med Activa and I have found it quite comfortable. I do find that I occasionally shift position and force the mask sideway and experience leakage. But Iit never wakes me.


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RE: How to sleep on my side??
I always sleep on my side.  This pillow is indispensable. Commercial Link Removed, Instead search for Deluxe Comfort CPAP Specialty Pillow.

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To maintain our status as an educational organization, the only commercial links allowed in this forum are to CPAP-related manufacturer websites.  This is stated in the Apnea Board Rules with details given in the Commercial Links Policy section.

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RE: How to sleep on my side??
(01-25-2018, 08:25 PM)Sharnie Wrote: I actually started with the nasal pillow but it split my nose open so I had to change to the full mask till it healed. Then the DME told me I had to stick with one for awhile to see what my data shows. I thought about trying the nasal pillow again.

I haven't gotten very far in the thread yet, but want to point out:

Most masks come to the DME with a 30-day window in which they can be exchanged. The manufacturer allows this. Of course some DME's have their own policies on how many times you can exchange masks. Mine had a generous policy of unlimited exchanges during the initial 30 days... although you couldn't necessarily get ahold of them to arrange anything.

Generally speaking though, your first 30 days are meant to find you the mask that provides you with the most comfort.

Btw, some of the online suppliers have return policies too. Supplier #1 even has something called "Return Insurance" that is free on popular masks, and helps people have confidence in trying out new masks.

The idea of forcing yourself to stay with a mask that isn't working for you "to stick with one for awhile to see what my data shows" is nonsense (as far as I know, someone please correct me if I'm wrong).
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RE: How to sleep on my side??
I'm a right side sleeper only. My little Wisp nasal mask stays put even when I curl up with my hands under my chin and my nose on the pillow. Like many others I use the bottom corner of the pillow only. If I do get over on my back get unacceptable mask leaks. My leaks are very low--well within reason-- on my side. I use a fairly narrow soft cervical collar to prevent mouth leaks.
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RE: How to sleep on my side??
I started off with the Swift FX. I'm now using the AirFit P10. They are both nasal pillows, but (for me) different as night and day as far as comfort and air delivery goes.

After the Swift FX, I switched to a FFM, the Fisher & Paykel Simplus. (I love this mask, btw) Right now though I'm really enjoying the P10.

I'm also a side sleeper.

Comfort-wise, it was difficult to sleep with the Swift FX because the weight of the mask + hose on the tip of my nose was too painful. The P10 does not have this issue.

Use a pillow from home and lie on your side to test masks at the DME; see which ones are even contenders before taking one home - and try any that catch your fancy. I'm really glad that I tried the P10 using Supplier #1's return insurance.

I use a buckwheat pillow (ComfyComfy brand - they have a youtube video with a demo of the different pillow types; I've found them to be of exceptional quality and they have good service. Discounts available with signup to their email list, and also one on their new Instagram, although maybe that is expired now). Anyway, I've found this to be very comfortable and it helps with positioning too, similar to what a cervical collar would do. It stays in place while you sleep. You can even 'carve out' a little notch for your mask when you settle in for the night. My daughter (also a FFM user) sleeps on her stomach and is using one of these buckwheat pillows. Even my husband asked for me to order him one after trying it out! He doesn't use cpap though. All three of us are enthusiastic converts. They seem 'pricey' to me, but come with additional hulls. They are already lasting longer than the pillows I used to buy.
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RE: How to sleep on my side??

A pillow thread and nobody has yet mentioned buckwheat hulls. I am VERY leery about stuff that are advertised as "CPAP" this or "CPAP" that. So I would not have an interest in CPAP specific pillows. HOWEVER ....

I made the switch to buckwheat hull pillows probably 5-6 years back. Great things, not just for CPAP users. I am a side sleeper. Mostly. Sometimes, I can go to sleep on my back if I get lucky. Buckwheat is cool, and it is moldable into pretty much any shape or thickness. Like em thicker? Add hulls.
Like em flatter? Take hulls out. I can form it for back sleeping or side sleeping, whichever mode I am going for. For the most part, it will hold that shape the entire night. Visitors to my house have been treated to buckwheat hull pillows and immediately went home and bought them for themselves.

Give it a thunk.

There.  I said it.

Contrarian in Residence  
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RE: How to sleep on my side??
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RE: How to sleep on my side??
(01-31-2018, 04:35 PM)OMyMyOHellYes Wrote: Ohboyohboyohboyohboy!  

A pillow thread and nobody has yet mentioned buckwheat hulls.  I am VERY leery about stuff that are advertised as "CPAP" this or "CPAP" that.  So I would not have an interest in CPAP specific pillows.  HOWEVER ....

I made the switch to buckwheat hull pillows probably 5-6 years back.  Great things, not just for CPAP users.  I am a side sleeper.  Mostly.  Sometimes, I can go to sleep on my back if I get lucky.  Buckwheat is cool, and it is moldable into pretty much any shape or thickness.  Like em thicker?  Add hulls.
Like em flatter?  Take hulls out.  I can form it for back sleeping or side sleeping, whichever mode I am going for.  For the most part, it will hold that shape the entire night.  Visitors to my house have been treated to buckwheat hull pillows and immediately went home and bought them for themselves.

Give it a thunk.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Love my buckwheat

I bought a cpap pillow with the three cutouts. It didn't work out at all for me, so I said to myself, "Self. You put some buckwheat in that pillow and it'll be a doozie!". So I put a zipper in the top, filled it with buckwheat and sadly, even the buckwheat couldn't make a good pillow out of it. Dont-know
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