I would appreciate any insight the kind users of this forum can provide. I've been using my machine for almost a year now and am still having serious fatigue, brain fog, headaches, etc. I can barely function, I need help.
Side note - I clench/grind my teeth when I sleep. I've been told for over 10 years it was due to stress. I also have an incredibly bad bite (I was only biting on the back two molars on one side). I had a very large bite guard I was wearing for about a year that made all of my teeth touch while sleeping to take the pressure off of the only two that touch normally. I would still get excruciating headaches once my jaw would relax some and I was then only biting on the front teeth and at that point would have to go in to the office to get the appliance adjusted. I was about to get Invisalign and was told by the dentist around the same time that he could no longer adjust my nighttime bite guard, I would have to buy a new one (several thousand dollars). I decided to just go without it because I was in so much pain and shockingly that first night I didn't clench AT ALL. I started to feel a little better just using my machine and not wearing a bite guard. About a month later I received my Invisalign trays and started wearing them; I guess my brain didn't like having something foreign in my mouth and I started clenching again. I'm wondering at this point if the reason I'm not feeling better is because of all of the clenching in my sleep. Would waking due to clenching show up anywhere in the sleep data? Anyone else have issue with this and find a good fix? I have to have Invisalign for two years total and cannot live like this the whole time, it's miserable.
Sorry if none of this makes sense, I'm trying to provide info I feel may be pertinent but my brain doesn't work very well anymore. Please let me know if I can clarify anything or provide more info, as I am pretty hopeless at this point.