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(10-08-2024, 08:12 AM)Jinete dormido Wrote: Trasto, your last chart looks good except for a couple clusters of OA. Since they are grouped, this wiki on positional apnea is required reading. https://www.apneaboard.com/wiki/index.ph...onal_Apnea
What can you tell me about this image?
My blood pressure has reached 18. I don't know why. Every night I sleep worse, for fewer hours, and I wake up a thousand times.
(10-09-2024, 07:19 PM)nightgagger Wrote: Timely discussion. I had to travel yesterday and packed my CPAP machine, and accessories except....the mask. Had to sleep last night without my CPAP, probably the first time in two years or more that has happened.
I thought I was going to die with the lack of a clear airway. Had the worst night of sleep, and to cap it off the hotel had the worst mattress.
Finally got home today and took a long nap...oh my was it nice to have the CPAP. I felt a bit saddened that I now have to have what essentially is a ventilator to help me sleep and not choke to death at night.
Hi, nightgagger!
I totally understand you. You are describing what happens to me when I fall asleep without CPAP. Within a few minutes I wake up breathless and with tightness in my chest.
Machine: Resmed Air Sense 10 Elite Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Fisher & Paykel Nova Micro Humidifier: Resmed SX556-0204 CPAP Pressure: 6 to 7 cm CPAP Software: OSCAR
Air pressure is going hi , that is your machine reacting to a flow rate decreasing as seen on your chart from 0400 hrs to 0445 hrs
And the reason the pressure goes up is because you are beginning Obstructive events probably due to airway closing up.
And it is closing up because you start with 6.6 cm for exhalation, and that pressure needs to be higher to eliminate the airway closing.
i would like to suggest exactly what i have already suggested before.
You go which way you think is right Trasto.
Hi, SeePack.
I followed your advice, although I don't dare to completely remove the EPR. And this is the result. I am attaching two images, one of them an enlargement of the image of the exact moment when the pressure rises to more than 17, I suppose to avoid an apnea after having had another apnea seconds before.
I have to say that it was difficult for me to fight against the air when exhaling.
Please tell me what you think of these graphics from OSCAR.
Machine: Resmed Air Sense 10 Elite Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Fisher & Paykel Nova Micro Humidifier: Resmed SX556-0204 CPAP Pressure: 6 to 7 cm CPAP Software: OSCAR
Machine: Resmed Air Sense 10 Elite Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Fisher & Paykel Nova Micro Humidifier: Resmed SX556-0204 CPAP Pressure: 6 to 7 cm CPAP Software: OSCAR
I'm attaching a screenshot of OSCAR. I don't know how to interpret it, but I had a bad night. I woke up many times and I'm very tired today.
I see few apneas, and the apnea-hypopnea index is low, but I think that maybe the flow limit is a bit out of control. And the pressure reached the maximum that I had set (14).
Machine: Resmed Air Sense 10 Elite Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Fisher & Paykel Nova Micro Humidifier: Resmed SX556-0204 CPAP Pressure: 6 to 7 cm CPAP Software: OSCAR
I suggest that you go to 11.6 to 16 and EPR 3. You need the EPR to get the flow limits down, plus it will be more comfortable. Your median pressure is 11.64, so 11.6 is a good place to start. You need to leave enough headroom for higher pressure in case you need it, unless pressure changes are waking you up. In that case, cap it at 14 or 15. Try that and let's see what happens and how you feel.