I am really really sorry, but I have been trying and trying to resolve this issue. In previous posts I may have incorrectly stated what is going on. I thought the issue may be with the file name change we are supposed to perform on the O2 ring data file. I also was able to finally find the clock drift preferences and played around with it. But using the clock drift preferences does not solve my issue. I have tried every which way. I looked in the OSCAR instructions at the image shown to correct the problem but the image does not match what you find in the actual program, nor is the option I am looking for present.
My results for total hours used do NOT match my ResMed. I am positive. I have triple checked because I wanted to be sure I knew what I am typing here. I have, multiple times purged the daily chart. I have multiple times manipulated the DRIFT CLOCK. The only thing this does is change the start time.
The OSCAR manual/instructions say you can change the end time as well, but I have found no way to do this even though the instructions and image clearly say you can. But this doesn't even appear to be the issue because the end time is so close to correct!
The chart says I had 4 hours 35 minutes 1 second sleep. THIS IS WRONG. I woke up around this number of hours of sleep but after approximately 10 minutes went back to sleep. I had turned off the machine for those 10 minutes and re-started it when I went back to sleep. The chart clearly shows this. The ResMed clearly shows I had 5 hours 22 minutes of sleep and the end time in OSCAR is pretty spot on. BUT THE TOTAL HOURS OF SLEEP LISTED ON THE OSCAR CHART SHOWS 4 hours 35 minutes of sleep.
I MUST get the end time of my ResMed to match the end time in OSCAR and I simply can't figure out how to do it from what OSCAR guide says to do because the instructions don't match what is actually shown.
Please, is anyone able to clear this situation up for me.