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Is this worth discussing with my PCP
Is this worth discussing with my PCP
Screenshot from Sleepyhead using PulseOx only:


I had a sleep study a couple of years ago and basically didn't sleep so there was no apnea and the test was inconclusive with a recommendation to repeat in 6-12 months. I tend to be busy and have just lived with being tired when I wake up. It got worse again lately so I captured a weeks worth of PulseOx sleep data. Most looks about the same as this. Is this normal or good enough for a PCP to write a script for an auto to see if it helps me feel better. The last thing I want is another sleep study that is inconslusive. I know I can pick up a used S9 AutoSet locally cheaper than another study.
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RE: Is this worth discussing with my PCP
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RE: Is this worth discussing with my PCP
I'm not sure if a doctor will do that or not. However, if a new sleep study is suggested, what about getting some sort of sedative to help you sleep from your PCP?
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RE: Is this worth discussing with my PCP
Thanks, if I do go down the Sleep Study path again I'll surely ask for a sedative. I really wish the home study would let me nullify the data and do a second night. Lately I can't tell if I'm waking due to shoulder pain or if it's a breathing issue and I just happen to notice the pinched nerve.

The reason I asked about the graph is really, is this normal or indicative that I need to do something? I'll be seeing my PCP this week for other issues and can choose to bring this up. I can understand the SPO2 might mean I'm snoring. No idea why the heart rate is all over the place at the same time.

Last time I discussed this with my PCP it was a referral to another doc with a referral for a home study since BCBS wouldn't pay for an over-night. When the second Doc got the data it showed desaturations and she was upset the company called it inconclusive as that tied her hands on treatment.

I've seen on this (or other) boards that any Physician can write a script for a machine. That's why I thought getting an auto might make sense as I was hoping the new ones would detect breathing issues and self adjust. The issue then becomes would I need a referral to go to a specialist for mask fittings?
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RE: Is this worth discussing with my PCP
Yes, any physician can write a script for cpap, but that would be based on sleep study results. I have doubts a doctor would write a script for cpap based on SP02 readings, especially from a report that you did at home on sleepyhead. Although a good doctor would at least look at that, and recommend a sleep study.

You will need to check with your insurance to see exactly what they cover. If they won't cover an overnight study, what about a home study?

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RE: Is this worth discussing with my PCP
You asked if the graph indicates a problem.... IMO, yes it does. Your O2 should not spend any significant time below 86, I think the line is. I am not a Dr, but that would concern me and get me to tell you to see one.
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Tongue Suck Technique for prevention of mouth breathing:
  • Place your tongue behind your front teeth on the roof of your mouth
  • let your tongue fill the space between the upper molars
  • gently suck to form a light vacuum

Practising during the day can help you to keep it at night

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RE: Is this worth discussing with my PCP
Insurance aside.
Yes a dentist or a Nurse Practitioner can write a prescription for any machine you want .
Sleep studies are mostly for insurance.
My wife had the same problem. Couldnt sleep during two studies.
Simply got our nurse prac to write a script, bought a gently used PR 550 auto got her situated with a mask and self titrated her.
She now runs under 1 ahi, her pvcs and morning tacycardia are gone.
I knew she had OA bad from sleeping with her and finally sitting up watching her sleep.
Alot more folks have to go that route than you think.
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RE: Is this worth discussing with my PCP
Hi cpetku,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
It probably would be a good idea to mention these concerns to your doc,
Much success to you.
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RE: Is this worth discussing with my PCP

I'll let you know if I can convince my PCP to take a Contec machine seriously. From what I've read on the net there are many studies about inexpensive oximetery tests being good predictors for OSA.

I've monitored this on and off for a few years and have always wondered why the SPO2 Level drops then the heart rate shoots up and the SPO2 goes back to normal with this sequence repeating. Based upon other posts on the net I'm pretty sure this is a sign of OSA. I also can't sleep on my back without my pallate collapsing before I get to sleep. I tried an exercise posted on the net, (trying to touch your tounge to your chin and leaning your head back) but this just ends up with my airway blocked.
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RE: Is this worth discussing with my PCP
I would definitely discuss low O2 levels with your doctor and find a way to get proper equipment. I'm not a dr but I imagine HR shoots up when body doesn't have enough oxygen because the body is trying to save itself - pumping blood containing oxygen faster. From what I have read, sleep apnea is not something to brush aside- contributes to heart disease, stroke, high BP, in addition to just making people tired. My mother had a large stroke. No one knew she had severe sleep apnea til after it. Did it contribute to it? Who knows for sure. But, if her cardiologist had known she had it, then different decisions may have been made regarding stopping one of her medications before the stroke. Sleep apnea is a risk factor that gets scored in medical decisions. From my experience, drs. need to know you have it, if you do.
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