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I am confused concerning my leak rate waveform. See included screen shot.
I would understand the lower line indicates the current leak rate. Makes sense.
The upper line I am understanding would indicate the ACCUMULATED leak
volume. But it starts out high. I would expect it to start at zero and slowly rise!
Obviously I am misunderstanding what this line represents.
04-08-2020, 07:44 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2020, 07:45 PM by edfreeman.)
RE: Leak Rate Waveform
Total leaks includes the air flow through the mask vents. You can turn it off under "Preferences" under "File" at the top. Click on the "Waveforms" tab.
Note that, for PRS1, the CPAP and BiPAP models only report the total leak, and OSCAR is estimating the unintentional leak from that. I have no idea how accurate that estimate is.
The ASV and S/T and AVAPS ventilators all report the unintentional leak as well as the total leak.
(04-08-2020, 08:11 PM)sawinglogz Wrote: Note that, for PRS1, the CPAP and BiPAP models only report the total leak, and OSCAR is estimating the unintentional leak from that. I have no idea how accurate that estimate is.
The ASV and S/T and AVAPS ventilators all report the unintentional leak as well as the total leak.
we will need to flag that as an OSCAR calc vs a vendor calc before 1.2.0
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
Agreed. That's one of many of attributes of channels that we'll want to add. (Another being whether the channel is an average interval that should be drawn as a square wave plot vs. continuous data that should be a linear graph. This varies by manufacturer.)