So I continue to be a bit baffled by the data that I am getting from any of these machines...
Suffering pretty badly with Aerophagia/bloating on the AirCurve10 (and also previously on the AirSense10 APAP), so given that I'm not really seeing any events, I am continuing to wind down the pressures...
Last night and the night before, I'm seeing ZERO OA/H events - which is GREAT, I'm just not sure I understand why...
Last night for the first time my aerophagia/bloating seemed to be very manageable (as I have been able to reduce EPAP and PS quite a bit)
However, my pressures are very low now, so how am I achieving such a fantastic result... My EPAP range is now down to 4.0-7.0 and I've reduced my Pressure Support down to 0.00-6.00...!!
If I look at the SH graphs for last night, the PS seems to continue to be very active throughout the night - Yet from everything I read, Pressure Support is really only effective in forcing someone to breathe, between about 8.0 and 12.0...
I am definitely a little bit less exhausted Today (for which I am truly grateful), but I continue to wonder what type of sleep apnea problems I have, considering the data that we have been seeing...
Is Max PS of 6.0 (leading to Max IPAP of 13.0) really sufficient to resolve all of my CA events... ?
Guys, I'm honestly not complaining, I just don't really understand the data that I am seeing...