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07-08-2024, 06:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2024, 06:18 PM by vHungry.)
Many HR spikes throughout the night no matter the pressure
I am pretty sure this is not normal (please correct me if I am wrong), but I do not think my HR should be spiking so many times throughout the night.
At first I thought these HR spikes were misreadings from my oximeter (using the Wellue O2Ring), but I see that there are usually matching movement spikes and O2 drops. In my screenshots, you can see that no matter what pressure settings I have tried, there are these spikes in HR and movement. In all the screenshots, you can see that my pressure has not been maxing out, so I don't think more pressure is what I need.
RE: Many HR spikes throughout the night no matter the pressure
I can’t see your flow limits chart but I would bet they are high. We need to see flow limits and more of the left column. You need to eliminate the calendar so we can see the left column.
I can not see if you have EPR set.
Recommendations are to set the EPR full time with EPR 3.