(02-21-2017, 08:53 AM)MrsBrando Wrote: I forget to breathe when I'm awake sometimes. I'll notice I haven't inhaled for a bit, and consciously breathe. I also have times where I have what is referred to as "periodic breathing" when I'm awake, and I end up hyperventilated. It took years of being labeled an "anxious female" before someone thought to check my blood gases, and said it's from improper breathing and sighing often. When I periodic breathe when I'm awake, I go through a breathing exercise a pulmonologist taught me, of doing timed belly breathing. That's why I said maybe it's more than just sleep apnea.
I have the same exact symptoms. (You are not alone.)
I've learned that (for me) it's due to my Lyme disease. I especially have the choking and gagging as I'm trying to fall asleep. On the CPAP now, I no longer get startled awake (as I'm trying to fall asleep) by the choking & gagging, rather I can feel my throat slowly being cranked open from the pressure of the CPAP. So... that's kinda cool.
I do the deep breathing before I go to sleep. I've heard that 5 deep breaths will help the body switch gears toward relaxation and sleep, and I have very much found that to be helpful to me.