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Machine: Dreamstation Auto Bipap and Apex XT Auto Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Dreamwear Gel Pillows and Comfort Blue Gel Humidifier: Dreamstation Auto Bipap CPAP Pressure: 13-20 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Compliance Manager
Other Comments: First words while wearing CPAP mask for the first time: "Luke, I am your father"
Sex: Male Location: Where the sun shines if it's not raining! 14.5764° N, 121.0851° E
Machine: Dreamstation Auto Bipap and Apex XT Auto Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Dreamwear Gel Pillows and Comfort Blue Gel Humidifier: Dreamstation Auto Bipap CPAP Pressure: 13-20 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Compliance Manager
Other Comments: First words while wearing CPAP mask for the first time: "Luke, I am your father"
Sex: Male Location: Where the sun shines if it's not raining! 14.5764° N, 121.0851° E