Morning headaches post- revised!
I should have given more info in my original post- sorry!
I think my 40 year old son may, like me, have sleep apnoea. He is denying this, at the moment.
He has bad headaches on waking several days a week (as I did before my diagnosis and treatment). He goes back to bed if he is able which we all now compounds the problem if you have sleep apnoea.
He’s been checked out by a doctor (who of course, never thought about sleep apnoea!) so it appears to have no cause/serious concern.
I’d at least like to try and save him from worsening headaches, if possible, until he is willing to consider sleep apnoea as an issue. I am going to suggest he borrows my VI Health O2 ring just for starters.
So- does anyone have any suggestions (other than get your apnoea treated!!) that could reduce the severity of his headaches?
PS Yes, although he’s very slim, works in a physical job, doesn’t smoke, drinks occasionally, he does snore, and has told me he wakes up gasping sometimes… He knows the pros and cons of not getting diagnosed/treatment.
Thanks for any suggestions and your understanding in the meantime.??
RE: Morning headaches post- revised!
That idea you have with the ring is good, but if he refuses to even try that then there is probably something else going on as to why he won't consider sleep apnea as a possibility (psychological reasons).
I know someone who thinks that he likely has sleep apnea, and I told him how much CPAP therapy has helped me. But he won't consider a home test because he told me that he will refuse to consider ever using a CPAP machine -- even if a sleep study shows that he has the issue. Therefore getting a study/diagnosis is irrelevant to him.
RE: Morning headaches post- revised!
Yes- my son says that too!!!!
Thinks he will never be able to sleep with it. As he has a daughter I’m trying to get him to see that he owes it to her to at least give it a shot- IF he does have sleep apnoea.
Thanks for your insight!
RE: Morning headaches post- revised!
You have a mother's instinct, and are doing all you can for his and for his daughter's sake. Unfortunately for both you and your granddaughter, he does not.
In another life and body, and code of ethics, I'd coach the daughter to ask him bluntly why he wants to leave her behind.
01-04-2023, 02:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2023, 02:39 AM by lindylou.
Edit Reason: My post duplicated and also I wanted to add more.
RE: Morning headaches post- revised!
Thanks for replying.
I agree! In fact, I said something along similar lines in front of them both.
I find it hard because I have four adult children (including a daughter with cerebral palsy) and I’ve always tried my utmost to leave them all to make their own decisions about things, without my interference. In this instance I just want to take control and MAKE him get a test etc!!!!! But I realise he’s a grown up and it’s up to him.
I think I’ve read that our headaches are caused by carbon dioxide build up in our bodies overnight? I wondered if there was anything we could do to mitigate this, by taking in more oxygen, having a morning walk etc. Difficult with these painful headaches, I know, but I’m trying to think what could be done to help get rid of the carbon dioxide etc. Anyone have any ideas or experience with reducing severity? I know paracetamol etc has never helped me.
01-04-2023, 10:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2023, 10:47 AM by mesenteria.)
RE: Morning headaches post- revised!
Brain fog during the next day(s), headaches, narcoleptic events, personality change, depression (-worth a prod about that..?)), heart palpitations and arrhythmias, high blood pressure, goes on and on.
RE: Morning headaches post- revised!
Hi there. Not trying to muddy the waters but it is entirely possible SA is not a factor. My morning headache issue has nothing to do with sleep apnea and is 100% attributable to pillow and sleeping position.
No offense intended, and I do love my mum dearly, but you sound a lot like my mother who uses mild guilt and manipulation to achieve what she sees as desirable outcomes. My advice, give your son the space and respect to make big boy decisions about his own health and life journey. You may not always like his choices, just like he may not like yours, but your relationship will grow in the end.
RE: Morning headaches post- revised!
Hi Mugsy,
Thanks for your observations.
I’ll bear them in mind.
RE: Morning headaches post- revised!
lindylou - I see you have an FFM listed as your mask. Where is the lower back strap positioned on your head? If it is too low below the skull and onto the neck, you can pinch nerves, which will give a headache in the lower back of your head. I learned this the hard way.
- Red
RE: Morning headaches post- revised!
Thanks for the reply. I was asking for my son.
BUT as it happens, the Velcro part of the headpiece DOES lie low on the back of my neck. It’s annoying but I think it’s because the Dreamwear silicon tubes- although I have the smallest size- are still too big for me. That makes the Velcro bit lie low.
I can’t think of any possible way to make the silicon smaller- seems impossible! I’m quite small stature wise- 5’ 1½” in height and 9 and a half stone in weight, with a small bone structure. I wish they did a smaller size, or large children’s size!
Thanks again,