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surely if you wanted to see what happens without the machine you would set it to min 4 max 4 so it cant increase pressure and then see what the AHI count is, setting the minimum pressure to 4 just means the Resmed has further to go to treat your apnoea but the resmed still goes there as it reacts to Flow limitations and Snores the precursors to Obstructive Apnoea
Hi, here are a couple more charts, one showing the snore/flow limitations and the other two my flow rates. There are two distinct different patterns that I experience each night. I feel better after getting on the CPAP, the mornings are about the same when I get up but I no longer feel drowsy during the day. As I may have mentioned before I have few and any events during the night so overall the results are good.
Tks for the analysis, I will start using my chin strap again and see how it works and post an update in a couple days as a follow up. I will adjust my charts too.