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Nasal Mask vs. Pillows (P30i vs N30i) and Resmed vs. Dreamwear Question
Nasal Mask vs. Pillows (P30i vs N30i) and Resmed vs. Dreamwear Question

My mask evolution was starting with F20 first (probably a bad choice as I don't mouth breathe much, but Dr. just gave me that without trying any others), after a few months of it, and not liking the leaks, tried the P10 and loved the minimalism and the much lower leaks, and also lower AHI numbers (from 1-2, to below 1 most nights), though can't say that I felt a whole lot different. 

After realizing that I sleep on my side a lot and also that I turn a fair bit (esp. when awake, no idea when asleep) went to a mask with attachment on top of head, ie the P30i which again has low leaks. Tried the N30i which I find more comfortable however it leaks a bit more, and also seems to exhaust/vent more air. 

I also tried the Dreamwear version of pillows and nasal, and like they are a bit more minimalist than the Resmed, however they also exhaust/vent a lot more air from the front than the Resmed. 

My question is any way to have leaks about the same for nasal mask (not these aren't the triangular mask that are over the nose but the ones that look like a tube and go under the nose) and also if they can exhaust/vent less? 

Second q is do Dreamwear versions just exhaust/vent more from the mask/pillows than Resmed, the issue with the extra air is that its noisier if it hits blankets etc. 

Thanks much

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RE: Nasal Mask vs. Pillows (P30i vs N30i) and Resmed vs. Dreamwear Question
I've used both Dreamwear versions (pillows and nasal) and both Resmed versions (N30i and P30i). I started with the DW cushions and found that how I adjusted the straps made all the difference. . Too tight or too loose and the leaks would increase. It took a week or so to find the best position. The DW was a game changer for me as I was just about to give up PAP therapy and I am forever grateful that they came out at exactly the right time.

The DW pillows helped with leakage problems but once again, strap tightness was important. The major issue for me was trying to keep the frame totally steady on my head as the over the head section tended to slide forwards on my bald head. Having a full head of hair might alleviate this issue. I solved this by adjusting the straps with the over the head tube in a forward position. You need the straps to be a bit looser than what you might think. I've got a post on this somewhere in the archives but haven't looked for it yet.

Enter the Resmed N30i cushion mask with it's spring loaded over the head tubing and therefore no more sliding. Once again, strap tightness was worth investigating but not as sensitive. Then came the clincher when Resmed came out with the P30i pillows version which is what I currently use. What I do have to ensure is that the pillows seat properly in my nostrils and once again this is where the straps come into play.

Of the two models, Resmed have nailed the frame and tubing. The DW, while it feels firmer at the back, does allow the tube that goes over your head to slide forward. The velcro for the straps on the P30i can clog up and then come loose and Resmed needs to look at this as it didn't happen with the DW. Also, covers over the side frame are fixed whereas the ones on the DW are removable.

I have both the P30i and the DW pillows. The first is my main piece of head gear and every now and then I use the DW to avoid any irritation issues. It's also in my traveling machine kit.

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RE: Nasal Mask vs. Pillows (P30i vs N30i) and Resmed vs. Dreamwear Question
Thanks yes helpful re leaks and your learnings. The weird thing re leaks is most of the time don't have any, and then when I am asleep (ie not awake time) for a period of time 30 mins or so have large leaks but its random

The other issue I have with DW is the higher venting rate at least seems so compared to Resmed, and also with either nasal (under the nose) mask vs. pillows but maybe those just vent more, not sure why though.

Glad you have found the right mask for your PAP therapy. Congratulations.

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