This board is full of gentlemen+scholars, so I TIA for your time!
I need some settings help from any Resmed and/or Bipap pros in here, please
I upgraded to the Resmed newer AirCurve 10 VAuto from the Resmed older S9 VAuto.
Both are BiPAP Auto (Resmed calls it VPAP).
I'm interested in optimizing the settings for:
1) Least intrusive/most natural feeling, and
2) Keeping my RR (respiratory rate) lower..I sometimes feel I'm borderline hyperventilating because the machine is prompting me to take a high number of breaths-per-minute, or isn't allowing me to pause long enough between inhalation and exhalation. I stay awake focusing on breathing, concentrating, and its hard to get drowsy doing this.
In the past, w/ this machine and others, its felt like the machine wants me to breathe more often than is normal for me, so I almost feel like I'm running a mini-marathon in bed. I found myself taking more breaths in bed than I was during the daytime (minus intensive exercise).
I'm not even sure my S9 was optimized for what I've wanted above in #'s 1 and 2.. Before, I played w/ the settings a little using my limited understanding, and trying to keep the AHI (Apneas) still low whenever I changed something.
I understand there's a certain threshold I can cross, where, if I make it *too* comfortable, the apneas can increase!
Here's my present settings with the S9:
Max IPAP: 25.0
Min EPAP: 7.6
PS: 6.0
Ti Max: 4.0
Ti Min: 1.5
Trigger: Very High
Cycle: Very Low
Start EPAP: 5.6
In Auto mode, my highest IPAP was around 16, stabilizing around 13-14 (12 on really, really good nights) and my EPAP would go up to about 8.
The settings I still struggle to completely understand, even after reading the physicians manual, many posts here and explanations on google, are
Ti Max/Ti Min/Trigger/Cycle.
I know the relationship between trigger and cycle is something about when the machine initiates a new breath, and how long it will wait until it "backs off" or yields to allow you to exhale?
Any advice/tips/thoughts is GREATLY appreciated.
-P.S. Is it true the new AirCurve's have a built in modem? And if they do, they actually use Cellular wireless... to send the sleep results to Resmed, or my sleep doctor? Is there a way to disable this?
--Side note: Yes, I'm the guy who was trying the Respironics ASV, it was very aggressive and overkill and I didn't need the additional therapy. Auto VPAP seems fine for me.