05-27-2017, 12:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2017, 12:15 PM by VeeAyBoy.
Edit Reason: spelling
RE: New member here
I am also a new user of the therapy and going through the adjustments and searches for the best fit for me. I have been on therapy for 2 months with 58 consecutive days of 8 hours of use nightly. I am using a Dreamwear nasal pillow size medium and it has my AHI around 4 most nights. I also suffer from congestion and am a side sleeper so I clog on one side. I can't use decongestant nasal sprays because this whole thing started with AFIB (and a successful so far cardioconversion). My neighbor has been on therapy for 10 years or so told me he puts OPCON eye drops in both eyes an hour or so before he goes to bed. It opens the sinuses that drain from the eyes and I could not believe how much easier it made sleeping and breathing on my side. I know it is a decongestant antihistimine so checked with the cardiologist and she said OK if only a couple of drops in each eye and no change in BP. I am also going to order the Dreamware Gell Pillow to see how that works. I keep hearing good things. FINALLY, thanks to everyone on this forum. You are a godsend to us novice OLD FARTs (2).