I am a new member here and with a new Dream Station, just wanted to introduce myself.
I am 41, male and have been a very successful CPAP user for 12 years. I was diagnosed with severe OSA and was given a Remstar Bipap Auto M Series the day after my test. I felt great after the test and called later that day to insist that I get a machine ASAP. I was told that they already had one for me. Upon meeting with the assistant that set up the machines for patients ( I never met with a doctor) I was told that my oxygen was dropping to 80% and that I had well over 200 "events" an hour. Apparently I was close to not waking back up at all. After driving my car off the road three times and falling asleep while getting out of my car, I believe them. (insert countless other horror stories here). I do still have my original study, but have not been back to the sleep doc for 12 years. I may also have the oldest still perfectly working Remstar M too as I was still using it until this past Monday. My pressure is at 16 and has never been changed. I need to get the hour count off that thing. I have been through 3 hoses, 1 tank and 3 masks throughout the years too (Ebay). Everything else is stock. I use tap water and don't really clean it all that much.
So needless to say I don't have the option leave my trusty M at home which has been a challenge since I am also an avid camper. Through the years I have made and drug around batteries to power my machine. I now have a relatively light weight lithium solution (3) lbs that I can get 2 nights out of (about 12 hours).
I have had a spare M for camping, but that machine failed (service error) and I have been running on thin ice with an old machine and no backup. After a few calls I found that I would need to go through the whole testing process again and possibly have huge wait times for a new machine. My original testing facility is long out of business so no help there. When a quick search on Ebay returned no results for a machine I looked on my local FaceBook area sales and there lies a almost new Dream Station complete with heated hose and humidifier. Total hours used was around 60. The asking price was 400 and I got it for 350.
So after a good cleaning and a tweak to the settings (memory wipe too) I am up and running. I am an IT guy so I am loving all the geeky reporting that is possible on this machine. I have DreamMapper installed and have installed SleepyHead as well. I need to get a good handle on the info as there is quite alot, but that will come with time and reading. I decided to set my DS up in Auto CPAP as I wanted to take advantage of any adjustments the machine could make. Just sounded like a good idea. My new DS is going to be the princess getting only distilled water and regular cleanings.
DreamMapper reports:
AHI .3
Mask fit 100%.
Min pressure 13cmH2O (going to bump this up to 16)
Max Pressure 16cmH2O ( will bump this too I think, maybe 18 or 19 as I reported an OSA)
Mode CPAPCheck
I am seeing some conflicting information between DM and SleepyHead. SH shows some leakage and DM does not.
Does anyone know if running in Cpap Check vs Bipap offers any benefit? Should I have continued as BIPAP or am I onto something? The numbers appear to look good (to a novice).
Thx folks