I'd been using my own Checkme O2 pulse oximeter for quite a while, and the results certainly looked like OSA could be an issue.
I got a referral to the Royal Papworth Hospital for a test. Months later.... I got a suprise phone call asking me to come into the hospital and collect a test kit to wear over night at home! (Pulse Oximeter) I wore it for one night and a week or two after returning it, I got a call to tell me I did NOT have sleep apnoea!! I told the doctor about my own Oximeter readings taken over many weeks, which showed I had both good and quite bad nights. Soetimes with SO2 as low as 72% - she seemed to poo poo this at first - but then agreed I could have a second test.
This was a bit more elaborate - Pulse Oximeter again, but also measuring movement of the chest and the stomach area, plus a cannula to check breathing.
Another wait of a few weeks - then received a letter stating that I appeared to have moderate OSA - AHI 20, and that I would be offerred a 6 week trial using a cpap machine.
Received my machine, and a quick intro on how to wear and clean the mask, and operate the machine.
I'm currently on week four of the trial - I've been a bit 'naughty' and have been experimenting with my pressures!
(I'm not sure how well that will go down with the hospital...)
Initially set to 5cm - 20cm I was getting low AHI readigs from the start, and was sleeping as much as two to three hours longer than usual, and certainly feeling bit better. However, I got woken up repeatedly during the night with mask leaks and 'face farts' - it felt like the mask would blow right off of my face.
So I did some research.... I've been using pressures mostly around 6.5cm - 10cm . And keeping an eye on my Oximter readings to see how well I was doing. Hence I started to fiddle with the pressures and epr settings.
Sadly, the Sefam S.Box isn't compatible with OSCAR, so it was a matter of trial and error. Later I stumbled upon the official Sefam Analyze app - meant for medics - much to my suprise, it was easy to find, publically available on their own software website page!
So I am, at last, able to see some real figures - and confuse myself even more...
I've also been able to buy a used Airsense 10 autoset, which I bought as a backup - it has a motor noise issue (bearings) but I have a new motor on the way from China.
The idea was that I could use the Airsense 10 and have data I could put into OSCAR. I have only used it on a couple of nights - partly due to the noise, but also I don't want the NHS to think I am not using their (Free to me) machine!! When I have enough posts under my belt, I hope to publish a pdf of the report produced from the official software (which is far less user-friendly than OSCAR!) and perhaps some kind soul can give me some pointers...
BTW The (semi useless) SEFAM phone app that is meant for patients gives very little info - basically just AHI number and hours slept that night. It also seems to disagree with the detailed reports from the PC software!!
I wonder if their are any other UK NHS users here on the forum - perhaps also using the Sefam S.Box??