Calorie restriction and AHI increase.
I have been on CPAP a couple of years now and my AHI is generally <1.5. I am moderately obese and have type 2 diabetes. APAP/CPAP really hasn't helped my weight. Through exercise and good diet I have lost almost all of my subcutaneous fat, My arms and legs and backside have no remaining fat to lose. My lipid panel (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triiglycerides look great, especially considering I am obese and diabetic). In order to lose the stubborn abdominal fat, which my doctors told me would help diabetes, I tried restricting calories further by dropping breakfast.
Immediately, my AHI number, jumped by +2 and my sleep is terrible, so now my AHI is around 3.5. The increase is mostly central apneas.
Is a higher AHI normal for dieting?
(I don't need any more diet suggestions, because I have very little left to cut or adjust - no breakfast, only a small lunch, dinner + 1 small snack. Obviously, being diabetic, I don't consume any deserts, sugary drinks or juices.)
RE: Calorie restriction and AHI increase.
(06-12-2024, 03:32 AM)NorthernGuy Wrote: (I don't need any more diet suggestions, because I have very little left to cut or adjust - no breakfast, only a small lunch, dinner + 1 small snack. Obviously, being diabetic, I don't consume any deserts, sugary drinks or juices.)
I do not provide more diet suggestions; I just describe my experience: Breakfast skipping was good for lowering my BMI. But when I switched and kept breakfast and skipped lunch, my sleep became significantly better.
RE: Calorie restriction and AHI increase.
Please put up OSCAR charts - I really don’t think the higher AHI has anything to do with diet but something to do with your therapy.
I have lost a large amount of weight with no change of AHI. we can see what is happening looking at OSCAR.