I am in my third week of treatment, diagnosed with mild obstructive apnea, 9.0 AHI. In home study with WatchPAT showed no centrals.
The Oscar data is showing Centrals and Cheyne Stokes, I have since learned that this is not uncommon, well the centrals anyways.
I am otherwise healthy (could stand to loose a few lbs.), no medications or injuries. No heart issues, thankfully. No drugs or alcohol...
I am looking for some help interpreting the Oscar data (this is an awesome program, I have so much to learn)!
Unless I am reading this incorrectly the flow limit does not seem to indicate a tucked chin, but I could be wrong...
Any recommendations or pointers would be welcomed.
Doctor didn't seem too concerned about the CA's.
Basically he said that we would look at it in 3 months, after I have had time to adjust to the APAP.
What are your thoughts about the data? I have posted 3 images, in increasing zoom, first is the whole night, second is the CA's and third is a more detailed look at the CA events.
Thanks for your input and I really appreciate the forum, I have learned a great deal already!
Thanks again,