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(04-18-2024, 09:59 AM)LoudSnorer Wrote: [*]This also implies displaying a line chart type instead of a bar chart.
Why is a line chart required. The top of a single value bar chart would give an outline of the graph requested.
Sometimes a bar graph is the best, like AHI.
When the y-ax disaplays one value, f.e. "Usage", you can choose.
When you combine f.e. min,median,95% and max, only use a least a bar for one y-value.
An other approach is the daily tab. The "Flow limitation" is a line, the other values can be enabled with dotted lines. For a day results that in a straight line.
I aattached an example of the Overview AHI Bar graph.
One of the things I can see is that the Clear Airway events starting Frebrary are in majority.
AHI consists of OA,CA etc.
That is why they can be placed in a bar graph.
Min,Max end 95% are the same value but different calculated.
That is why they should not be published like a bar.