RE: Obstructive Readings ?
(01-26-2015, 05:08 AM)saltydawg2 Wrote: Sorry, you probably will always have events, of some sort. This therapy is not really like putting ice on a sprain to make it less painful until it is all better. My initial study showed over 30 apneas,( mostly obstructive). Treated, I still struggled to get AHI below 12. Now, it is 5, or below, with the largest factor now being Clear Airway. Working on that with information from the guys on this site. They will be along, shortly. I just have to get up really early to go to work. Good luck!
Salty, what is this "clear airway" of which you speak? Do tell? what has enabled you to get that reading down from a 12 to better? I'm a month in, and while I've had a few nights under 5.0 and expect more once my central's settle down, I've had an avg of about 6.0/7.0 mostly.
Glad to hear of your continued improvement.
RE: Obstructive Readings ?
"While the auto machines (not sure if yours is auto) will try to stop the apneas, if the minimum pressure is too low, they are unwilling to ramp it up fast enough to stop all apneas because they don't want to wake you up. Also, if the upper limit is too low, they are unable to generate enough pressure to stop all the apneas.
That said, you'll probably never consistently get "0"s, although you should be able to consistently get less than 1.
Hi Terry, Love how you put this...I've always wondered "what is my machine thinking???" and you helped me to comprehend that a bit more.
RE: Obstructive Readings ?
What I find is you have to keep after it. Diagnosed with severe apnea (AHI 55.7) I was in the 20's for a week or so, hovered around 8 for a month or so, then gradually went to 2.8 average and now to 1.7 average (had a 0.8 a couple weeks ago) simply by virtue of continuing to fine tune the therapy.
So, you have to be motivated; you have to be invested. Hearing that it may be the diff between making it to 70 and making it to 90 was all I needed to hear.