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Hi - I am just getting started with CPAP therapy and am trying to determine any adjustments I may need with my OSCAR data. Attached is my OSCAR data of my most recent night. I would really appreciate any thoughts or feedback.
-At home sleep study results from Wesper were showing ~20 AHI
-I use an N20 nasal mask with mouth tape, Side sleeper
-I am definitely waking up to the point where I am aware of the wake up more with the cpap, but can fall back asleep quickly
-Resmed AirSense 11: 7-9 Pressure Range, EPR of 3, no ramp
-The main difference I have noticed is my resting heart rate is lower with the therapy. I would say I am waking up a bit less tired, but not dramatically. Does this generally take more time to feel the improvement?
Hi! I'm not an expert here, but only mentioning to pass it along - your chart looks similar to one of my first ones, with clusters of CA's. I received the advice to use as low a pillow as I could and to tuck a pillow beneath my shoulder and chin, as they were probably positional obstructions - aka my chin was tucking and I was cutting off my own airway. I would give that a try.
I don't know enough to talk about pressure settings, but I do know that with EPR 3, on exhale your pressures are only ~4, which is very low. I've been experimenting with setting my EPR to 2 to help that difference. Hopefully someone experienced here has more advice
Welcome to the board. Most of your events were Centrals. A Central is hard for the machine to tell from a O events. The sleep study you had should be more accurate on if these are centrals. In the lab they have several leads hooked to the body plus a band around the chest to see if you are trying to take a breath. So we always ask to see your sleep study so we can see if you are having centrals. If your test did not show many centrals you could be having positional apnea as another post said or you could be having treatment emergent central apnea that will lessen as your body gets use to the cpap therapy.
I would stay with the same setting for a couple nights and post those along with your sleep study. We can then help.
Machine: Remediated Dreamstation APAP-CPAP Mode Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Airfit F20 Humidifier: Built In CPAP Pressure: CPAP 15cmH2O CPAP Software: OSCAR
You CA events are caused by EPR being set to fulltime @ 3 with a min pressure of 7cm, please turn EPR off or raise min pressure to 13cm and max pressure to 16cm, this will give us a chance to see what pressure you really need and set min pressure to a level that will help keep your airway open.