Hope everyone is doing well. So here's a quick rundown of my story. I've been diagnosed with sleep Apnea LONG time ago, I honestly don't remember which type. I've been struggling sleeping with the CPAP ever since. I always felt like suffocating and unable to breath. Went to a bunch of Doctors and none really cared to help me or with CPAP settings. After a couple of recent months of feeling exceedingly tired to the point where I was unable to go to work in the morning. I decided to tinker with the CPAP on my own.
Bumped up the pressure to 8-20 and I was finally able to sleep a full nights sleep. I have a month worth of OSCAR data. My questions for you guys if I may:
1- Should I change my pressure? Does lowering the max pressure have any negatives, or raise the min? I've noticed the auto pressure always brings it up to 11-12 a couple hours after I sleep. Should I raise the min to like 11?
2- My AHI average is really low. That's a good thing I suppose, but how do I know if its correct. I had a couple of nights with AHI 0.00, actually most nights the AHI is less than 0.5. It never increased over that. I suppose this mean its working? I feel much better to be honest, not a 100% but the constant headaches are gone for once.
3- I only have Hypopnea, only one singular night where there was one event of Obstructive Apnea, I honestly don't know what to do with this information.
4- Should I turn EPR on? Been sleeping fine without it. Only problem I have is that after like 6 hours of sleep I wake up and I cant get back to sleep at all. Sometimes I remove the mask and get an extra hour or 2.
5- Any thing I should work on/fix?
Thanks a bunch for the help!