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Periodic Leg Movements
Periodic Leg Movements
A recent sleep test showed that in addition to mild sleep apnea, I had a PLM index of 121/ hr. and PLM arousal index of 8/hr. (I won’t see the sleep doc for a few weeks.)

Are these numbers high? Is this a cause for concern? What are the consequences of PLMs?

I have been using CPAP regularly, with very good AHI numbers. Does CPAP therapy also treat PLMs? Does Sleepyhead reveal/track PLMs?

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RE: Periodic Leg Movements
Typically, PLM, when related to sleep apnea, is your brain trying to wake you up. When you wake up, even a little bit, you regain control of your throat muscles and the airway opens. But it could also mean you are just moving in your sleep, too. They only woke you 8 times an hr out of the 121 twitches you had.

Successfully treating your sleep apnea means your brain doesn't have to keep waking you up so the PLMs should decrease. Again, as long as the twitching is related to the sleep apnea.

There is no way to monitor the twitching, however. Your machine doesn't have leads on your limbs to notice if you are moving. Did they do a split study? Meaning did you wear a mask at any point during the study? If you did, what were the PLM count during that? Did they decrease? If they did not, are they going to do a second study or put you on an APAP and let it titrate you?

As for other reasons for the twitching, there's only a few other reasons. It is a nervous system disorder typically caused by things such as anemia, diabetes, and the like. As long as you are relatively healthy and have regular doctor physicals, then it most likely is just your brain screaming at you.

Try to not stress about it. Relax. Read up on it. Be prepared to ask the doc questions.

Take a deep breath and count to zen.

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RE: Periodic Leg Movements
I had some leg twitching when my potassium was low. Increased potassium intake with coconut water, bananas and a few potassium tablets.
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RE: Periodic Leg Movements
Thanks guys. I guess I'll learn more from the new sleep doc, who my present doc says is one of the nation's best.
BTW Paula, it was not a split study.
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RE: Periodic Leg Movements
Okay. A split study would reveal how much the movements dropped when using the CPAP. The doc may order a second study with CPAP but probably not since only 8 of the twitching woke you up. But do ask about them! Express your concerns! It is your health and no one can really take care of you but you. Don't just be compliant, be empowered.

Stumbonie, potassium is known to help with some cases of Restless Leg Syndrome. I have not heard that it helped with PLMS due to the voluntary/involuntary difference.

Take a deep breath and count to zen.

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