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08-27-2024, 09:45 AM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2024, 09:50 AM by panzer.)
Please help interpret oscar chart
Hi guys,
Struggled mask leaks with full face masks for several months, until 12 days ago starting with nasal pillow, I also began to use Oscar daily to track my leaks. Leaks mostly controlled, while AHI mostly around 5 sometime going up to 7 or so.
CPAP: Resmed Airsense 11
Mask: F&P Nova Micro
Mouth taped.
I'm mainly a side sleeper but sometime changing positions.
Could you please check my data to see whether anything I could improve when you have a chance? Any suggestion highly appreciated.
08-27-2024, 09:55 AM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2024, 09:56 AM by Narcil.)
RE: Please help interpret oscar chart
you have a lot of flow limits remaining and your median pressure is pretty high so i would raise minimum to 10 and increase EPR to 2 or 3.
It looks like you are experiencing positional apnea which is causing the machine to raise the pressure almost to the maximum, have a read from the wiki but maybe you are chin tucking? or using large pillows? or simply on your back..