RE: Advice on pressure adjustments
(03-02-2024, 05:56 PM)akarifur Wrote: Oh nice, I wonder if that would work for switching from APAP to Bilevel? My current prescription is alright according to lofta but i need a doctors note saying "Ok to switch to bilevel" before they'll send it to me
The renew on the online prescription took care of that for me.
RE: Advice on pressure adjustments
Thank you for the suggestion it worked out perfectly. I have my new Bilevel prescription and lofta should be sending my new machine out soon. With any hope will soon have a success story to share in the near future
RE: Advice on pressure adjustments
(03-04-2024, 08:27 PM)akarifur Wrote: Thank you for the suggestion it worked out perfectly. I have my new Bilevel prescription and lofta should be sending my new machine out soon. With any hope will soon have a success story to share in the near future
That is great!!
RE: Advice on pressure adjustments
Hello everyone again, So I have successfully acquired my new Bilevel machine (Resmed aircurve 11 vAuto). I have another followup on friday with Jason (AXG) but I'm curious what suggestions this community would have based off my data so far on bilevel. For information I have been trying 16 IPAP, 12 EPAP and then 17 IPAP, 13 EPAP.
First Night:
Third Night on 16:
Second Night on 17:
RE: Advice on pressure adjustments
Since your AC11 isn't currently playing well with OSCAR, let's try this. Set your mode from "S" to "VAuto". Use EPAP min of 12, the IPAP max to 17, and the PS to 4. This will yield a range of 12/16 to 13/17, encompassing your 2 settings. Additionally, set the TiMax to 3.2 and the Trigger to "High". Take these settings for an overnight snooze and see what the results are.
- Red
RE: Advice on pressure adjustments
I actually tried VAuto mode last night. I can post the chart after work. It was set to epap min 10 ipap max 18 for fact finding. I think to max defaults to 3.2 but I’ll double check. My trigger though was medium. My ahi climbed to 7.9. Do you think the trigger might be the culprit?
RE: Advice on pressure adjustments
If your events were CAs, then yes, increasing Trigger sensitivity will help. I really need to see the results after a good session.
- Red
RE: Advice on pressure adjustments
Here is the image of last night's vAuto experiment
Do note you can ignore the start where the leaks are out of control, I was trying the Brevida mask and i had it too tight causing one of the pillows to invert itself and leak out of control.
RE: Advice on pressure adjustments
OK, set the Trigger to High and stay off your back. See what happens.
- Red
RE: Advice on pressure adjustments
(03-13-2024, 07:21 PM)akarifur Wrote: Here is the image of last night's vAuto experiment
Do note you can ignore the start where the leaks are out of control, I was trying the Brevida mask and i had it too tight causing one of the pillows to invert itself and leak out of control.
I set my trigger on very high and that helped with my CAs.